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Hey y'all! I'm so behind this month, I'm sorry!!!!

I definitely think I don't know the league of legends characters enough to draw them decently. Or at least not without someone telling me explicitly what they want to see them doing haha. With that being said I probably won't do a lot more LoL outside of commissions but for this month the last two of the three league champions I'll be drawing this month are Braum and Sylas as voted by you, my lovely Patrons! 

I must say Braum is actually really fun to draw and maybe that's 'cause I lowkey have a thing for singlets and he just so happened to have a wrestler skin but uh... you know what no but, that's the main reason I had a lot of fun drawing this. 😂 I wonder who managed to bring down the mighty El Tigre 😏

I decided to veer slightly from the norm and make Braum the bonus image set for $10 patrons this month because I legit spent like a week trying to draw Sylas in a more "image set friendly" way but I decided instead to make him more of a pinup for everyone!

Idk why but Sylas is just really hard for me to draw? Which sucks cause he's like, one of my favourite LoL character designs! (I blame his collar)

Okay that all for now but I'll be back soon with some actually complete drawing! Also some Stardew Valley stuff cause.... I've been getting back into Stardew Valley....




I'm loving sylas
