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Hey y'all! January is well underway and I'm confident when I say I'm probably kinda maybe fully-ish recovered from the Holidays! Sorta. Do we ever really recover from the Holidays?

Well either way this month's poll was another super close call! Superboy edged it out in the end, fitting since Young Justice's new season just dropped! Have you started watching it yet? If you have please tell me where, I'm a Canadian without cable and don't know where to watch it🤠

All I really know about it is that there's a bunch of new characters and I like to believe Superboy is starting to have some inner turmoil with these young virile supers joining him in... wherever their base is now... It's been a while since I've watch YJ, the mountain deffo exploded though right?

Well either way I like to imagine some of those supers don't mind changing out in the open! And Superboy definitely doesn't mind it either.

Maybe he takes advantage of the situation. Maybe he knows how long they shower for. Maybe he's a lil' freaky 😏 Who do y'all think those underwear belong to? I hear Firestorm's being added to the show, I could see that. Or maybe some good old fashioned Nightwing fun! Anyhow I wanna try doing more multi-image sets rather than a single image with a bunch of variants, we'll see how that goes!

If you've made it this far in my very rambling post, or skipped ahead because you read the title, Peter B. Parker from Into the Spider Verse got second place! And like what I did last month, I'm making him the bonus set for all you lovely $10 Patrons 💃

That pizza eating scene was hot, don't deny it. There'll be plenty of... web slinging in this set so stay tuned!

This month is shaping up to be very superhero oriented, huh? Does Soldier76 count as a super hero? (He;s basically Captain America with a gun, right?) Cause I also wanna do some confirmed gay content with him too 😂 Well until then, I'll see y'all later! 



Heck Yeah!!! Conner won 💕💕 I love the idea of Conner getting horny for his teammates, using his super earring to know if one of them is going to stay a little longer on the shower 🤯😍 can’t wait for this month’s reward 🥰