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It's that time of the month again, where in I rush to finish up last month's rewards! Instead of spamming y'all with posts that you'll get the full versions of in about two days I decided to make one all encompassing post instead to save us all some time ;)  And for the $5+ patrons I will be posting the poll soon I've just been uh... what the word... dead for the past two days 🤠  December kind of killed me between Christmas and New Years but I got plenty in store for y'all!

Hans and Kristoff won the monthly poll and you'll be catching them on snowy sleigh ride! Let's hope Kristoff can keep that pretty boy nice and warm while he keeps watch over him!

Pin Ups galore is what's in store for December! I had so much fun just doing... pin ups! I feel like they're easier and faster to do than image sets since I don't have to plan what parts I'll have to remove/edit per variant haha! I might experiment with more sequential art, like multiple individual images that all fit into one story? What do y'all think of that I'm kind of on the fence 😂

Steve Claus' new toy tester job, and his new and maybe a bit too small uniform is sure to give you some Christmas cheer ;) Steve and Jack were tied for second place in last month's poll and I had to make some executive decisions but I gotsta share the Steve Claus love! Two years in a row, one more and it's practically tradition!

Jack Frost isn't left out of the fun though! He'll be ringing in the new year with his old friend Jamie as well as all you $10 Patrons! Don't catch a cold now ;)

And Rudolph is gonna be playing some extra fun reindeer games now that Christmas is over! Shout out to Apollo for suggesting some Furry reindeer fun! (if you're a $10 patron, or really any one feel free to suggest possible pinup ideas for the bunos pin-up of the month!)

Alright that's all for now, I'm gonna go work on the naughtier variants of these! See you again on the fifth! 💃




So much meaaat everywhere!!!😻❤️💕🎉 this is amazing, so many beautiful hunks and this is also a huge ton lot of work 😱thank you so much for all your effort 💕❤️

Finn Dixon

I would looooove sequential image sets versus variants of the same pic. I think more people would get what they want out of that (position-wise, how-much-is-showing-wise)...it would be like a mini comic...instead of bulge->soft penis->hard penis->cumshot. ;-)

Finn Dixon

Though sequential images involving above "->" sequence wouldn't be bad either! Lol

Finn Dixon

And eek! Just reread it and saw I got a shout out. Woot woot! Looking forward to seeing what Rudolph has to offer.