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Hello everyone and welcome to almost August! This month has been a blast so far working on all these poke-dudes but that time must come to an end eventually (as in roughly a week from now)! While I work on the last of this month's rewards let me know what you want to see more of this coming month!

Your options for August are as follows;

[Disney Dudes] All those hotties we watched growing up and in recent years too come together in the most magical place on earth... NSFW gay content web pages on the internet! From princes lost in the woods to magical orgies, it's happy thoughts abound!

[Ships Set Sail] Lets get some more ships in this harbour! From popular pillars like Sheith and McHanzo to some rarer pairs that I personally quite like, it's all about romance on this love boat!

[League Legends] I've gotten quite a few League of Legends requests and very few have come your way! Burly dudes your drug of choice? LoL is supplying! I don't actually know enough about this game to make a clever pun but I know I like me some Graves!

[My Boys and Me] Do people like my OCs? Do you want me to draw them more? Well if you do now's a chance to tell me so! As far as polling goes I'd make one for my boys and another one filled with all kinds of fandom faves to get some more diversity in choices in. Rex is waiting and willing to do... well, just about anything ;)

So vote away and let me know what you want to see from me! if you have specifics you want to see from these themes just pop me a note or comment bellow! And don't forget to submit your requests for the next art raffle!

( I'll also be throwing in some requests I've gotten pretty often into the mix just cause when I get the same request like 3 months in a row it's pretty safe to say it should be in the running haha!)


Neil Ryder

Hercules, Tarzan, The Emperor come to mind...