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Gotta catch 'em all!

July is dawning and I don't know about you but I've been getting way into Pokémon GO! again! The theme poll winner this month aligned with my love of cute Japanese monsters in a make believe world and even more so my love of the hot dudes found in that world! So let me know who you want to see from the Pokémon universe and let's get this summer of adventure begin!

Sorry for the long line up, there's a lot of guys from Pokémon that I like haha...

Notable exclusions:
Red and Blue - I started a pic of them already but it won't be ready for June so I'm gonna push it over into July
Spark - Y'all already know that if we're doing a Pokémon month I'm gonna have to do a solo Spark pic!

Poll ends on the 5th so get a'voting! 


Finn Dixon

Twink Molayne!


He doesn't get nearly as much love that his nerdy self deserves smh Maybe because of all that... twinkishness