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So there isn't very many of y'all $10 patrons (technically only 1 so far, hi, how are you!) so this is just a quick heads up of some Rewards edits I'll be making for August;

-I'll make the polls open for $5 rewards members
 -I'll leave requests for the polls only open for $10 rewards members

-To adjust for this I'll implement some sort of raffle system where $10 patrons can suggest a character or fandom and I'll pick one randomly to draw that month (That I'm comfortable drawing)

And it that's okay with y'all I might make those changes during this first Patreon Poll, so let me know if you see this before August if that'd be alright!

Muchas gracias


Eric (Paroxysmal)

i think its a good idea so its not just 1 or 2 people deciding everything