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New unlock item for robot Depth+ Tile: Increases the depth of holes by 10% if it is within move range

Added 2 new enemies to the drilling minigame

Darkbun: Spawns on grass tiles

Bear: Spawns on forest and snowy tiles


Fixed character stats not drawing when on F2-F4 resolutions



Crash when encountering kobolds in the black rock area here's log:


___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object sys_game: Variable Index [3] out of range [0] at gml_Script_scr_set_enemy_properties ############################################################################################ gml_Script_scr_set_enemy_properties (line -1) gml_Script_scr_start_combat gml_Script_scr_alive_death_event gml_Script_scr_alive_step gml_Script_scr_loop_step gml_Script_scr_step gml_Object_sys_game_Step_0


hey sorry if it's a bother, but i just downloaded this hotfix and noticed im not on the gold patrons list if it can be changed in the next update?


Yea sorry about that, i update the list of names whenever a whole number release gets uploaded, your name will be in it for v37 (i would have added it to the hotfix 2 if i've seen the comment before uploading it)