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Hi Everyone :D

sorry for the delay, i'm a little sick so i don't did much the last days, but i hope you like what i added :D

the greatest hero minicomic (femboy,minotaur)

the comic is in webtoon format so if you use android i recommend using an app for reading it, personally, i recommend Perfect Viewer, which is the app i use because it loads all the pages, but you can use the app you like :D

i added the  CBR file which is a rar or zip file with a different extension CBR or CBZ, so you just download it to your smartphone and read it

if you don't want to use your smartphone i also added the individual JPGs

  • narration and dialogues by Neophyte
  • idea and drawing by Tortuga 

and by last, i added some drawings

still is the same link, i hope you like them :D

stay safe and have some wonderful days!!! :)

edit: added the winner of the poll for some reason i forgot to add it even when i used the pic for this post XD



Amazing comic wow, and get well soon too!!


uhhh,.. how do i view the comic? i dont see anything here. where do i go to see this new work?


all the new drawings of the month are in the main folder, the first drawings you see in the MEGA folder when you open the link are the most new, there you will find the minicomic :D


I really hope to get more of these maybe a sequel