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More bugs have been fixed, more optimization, an improved save system and audio system, and more!
I'll have a full list of the changes in a few minutes in the next devlog as always ^^

Here is the download link

If the download freezes, try refreshing the page! If that still doesn't work, tell me about it. If I get enough reports of the download not working, I'll look into uploading the game in multiple smaller parts.

Saves are not transferrable from the previous build to this new one!

edit: A crash that occurs during a cutscene has been found and fixed! The download link above has been updated to the fixed version of the build. If you downloaded this build prior to seeing this message, delete it and download this new one! You'll be able to keep playing from your last save.

edit 2: Yet another crash fixed, this time during a fight near the end of the demo. The download link has been updated! Sorry about sending a notification for this again, I'll try to be a bit more organized to avoid this next time.



so, I don't know if this is a thing that was added just in this update (i haven't been able to check out since the last itch.io one) but it's very easy to make fights unwinnable later on in the game if you don't get every spell in the starting area before going to the pyramid. I had to completely restart because the plains didn't have red or blue spawns, so I only had 2 attacks while the enemies out-healed my damage


Sorry about that, the balance definitely needs work and is going to be my focus for the next build. You might have been able to get Rose's spells and put them on Vuu, but even so I do need to figure out a way to make sure that area is winnable, even if you go so far as discarding all of your spells. Sorry again, and thank you for telling me!


No worries! I think you just need to put a way of getting new spells maybe somewhere in the tower


Oh you're right, I was only thinking of the forest but I do need to make sure that's a thing in the tower too!


I actually got stuck in the forest. Rose and vuu each only have one attack that works there and I had to fight an enemy that was healing. I just couldn't keep up the damage and didn't get any spells before going to the pyramid


Got it, I'll make sure to do something to prevent that from happening in the next build. Thanks again ^^


( !Spoilers ahead !) Hey! I recently beat the game again in this version but i still have some problems with the game: -The pod to go back to Auria tower (and i guess Sablee) just doesn't work. It looks like i can interact with it but nothing happens. -The Tril constellation in the night dome is missing a star so in just can't complete it. Except from that i absolutely love this game! It probably has one of the most unique combat system i've ever seen!


Okay so small update: I managed to solve the Tril constellation after a few attempts but now the walkthrough is incorrect abt this. Aaaand now the Pod works! looks like i only needed to read the post game sign!


Thank you so much! And thank you for reporting bugs too, even if they ended up not being actual bugs ^^ The walkthrough might become more and more inaccurate as I keep updating the game sadly. That might change later once once the public demo comes out, but I can't say for sure since I'm not the one writing it. I'll still keep that in mind!