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Cerelea! But much better!
If you've played the demo, you might have noticed that Cerelea's chibi sprite didn't quite match her battle sprite. This is because I wasn't satisfied with how I initially drew her, as well as with her original design. I figured I might as well redesign her when I did her chibi sprites, but the full sprite still had to be remade. And here it is, once again by Bulumblebee!
...However, you might also have noticed that this new full sprite doesn't quite match her chibi sprite either. A misunderstanding happened, and her top ended up looking the way it does here! I thought it still looked really nice, and we figured that we'd keep it anyway as an alt costume, because why not. Of course her actual top will be in the game as well, but it will take a bit of time before I upload it on Patreon. So for now, here is this alt version!
In any case, Bee did an incredible job once again, Cerelea looks absolutely amazing now! It's such a huge upgrade compared to her old sprite. And just wait until you see the higher ranks! (The lactation might eventually have to be toned down a bit :B)

Here are all the monstergirl ranks:

Rank 1

Rank 2

Rank 3

Rank 4

Rank 5

And here is where you can follow/support Bulumblebee, should you wish to do so:

https://twitter.com/bulumblebee (18+)
https://www.patreon.com/bulumblebee (18+)

As I mentioned last time, this month was almost exclusively focused on communication related stuff. I've been doing a lot of talking! Sadly, this means that this devlog is going to be on the shorter side since I don't have a lot to talk about. And of course, no new build this time!
What I can say is that more monstergirls have been commissioned, as well as more tracks! Additionally, I have received help with a lot of item descriptions! Special thanks to both Draconian and Raisou! ^^
I've also been looking for more artists to help me once again, but haven't had as much luck as I'd hoped. I do have a lot to take into account when looking for artists, like whether they'd be open to drawing BE in the first place, if their style matches the game, prices, availability, whether they talk a language I understand or not, and more. Then, I need a monstergirl I've prepared a full ref doc for that I think would be a good match for that artist! After the stars align, I still need to contact the person in question and hope for a positive answer. One artist I had in mind was sadly too busy, and so far I've been waiting for answers for several others. I expect some progress on that front soon and still have more artists in mind I'd like to contact, but it's been taking longer than I was expecting. Still, progress is happening, and I've also found the time to finalize Mimic girl's chibi sprites as well as design another 3 monstergirls! I've been catching up with the polls in that way at least, so once the ball gets rolling and more artists join the team, I'll have plenty of material to give them.

And that's pretty much all I can say this time!
Next month will be almost exclusively focused on coding. In particular, I think it's finally time to take another look at the game balance and add missing features, such as unique skills. Other fight related improvements need to happen as well, like encounter rate and stats of course, but also enemy AI, enemy spells, mechanics introductions, Shape fights, some Heartpowers (especially Yoyo), and surely more that I can't think of right now.
I also need to implement the Traveler changes I mentioned before, like the Mimic girl now that I have her chibi sprites or the ability for Travelers to stay in one room after they spawn until their services have been used.

So yeah, that's going to be my main focus this time as well as bug fixing whenever possible of course!

And now, the Monstergirl poll stuff!

The next monstergirl poll has begun! You can now vote for the monstergirl you want to be included in BE Witches in the Discord server if you are a 2$+ patron!

The poll will be active until the 12th of this month. After this, you will be able to change your submitted modifier until the 15th. Finally, the two rounds of the modifier poll will take one week each afterwards.

Monstergirl poll rules

Poll submissions

Also, now is a good time to submit a monstergirl and/or modifiers if you haven't already as a patron! If you can't think of anything to submit, here is a list of ideas you can choose from. You'll need to join the server to submit anything!

And that's all for now!



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