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Hi! That's one of the reasons why I usually try not to put even approximate dates 😖 The plan was to release a preview of the .04 version last month, but alas it has come out only now 🥸

So the main new thing is a body modification machine. 

Oh yes! Now you can almost completely modify your samples on the station. In the preview version, you can get the machine almost immediately by buying a map of the new MG5 sector from Mr. Box at the black market and walking around the blank level of the research station, there you can also get the resources needed for the machine in barrels near the head of the research department, in whose mind the machine blueprints are stored, well then I think you can guess how to get them out of there yourself 😏

The machine allows you to modify the 5 basic parameters of body structure - the amount of sample's fat, its distribution, its volume in the waist, muscularity and masculinity of the body. There is also a possibility for local modification of boobs and butt, with the possibility of fine-tweaking (this feature is still in the process of adjustment, so some sliders may give unexpected results)

Also added a few more visual description skills, which will soon be needed for tasks like "preparing a sample with the required skills for the customer"





i cant even get through the intro. cant find officer Naomi


"you can get the machine almost immediately by buying a map of the new MG5 sector from Mr. Box at the black market" i can't find mr Box in the balck market.. anyone?