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You ate this woman's children, one by one. She's right in front of you, and has a good length of heavy chain. Mannite T. Holder's mouth may just have gotten him killed.




Get a pair of bolt cutters, get that chain off her wrists, and you have just the right length for a nice metal Hangman's Necktie for him. Forget hauling him back for trial, just find a nice size post on the property and string him up as a warning and a statement that the Meat Farming Business is over, PERIOD!

Mark Ashworth

I'm guessing she was lied to and told some tall tales to convince her she couldn't go, and no rescue would ever come for her.

A Patreon of the Ahts

I'm guessing they told her the truth, and that if she just behaved herself she wouldn't get tased anymore. After a while, she just gave up.

A Patreon of the Ahts

There's an element of satisfaction in dragging an untouchable person into court. The anti-Trump crowd are feeling that right now.