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Guys I decided to just fully separate the Yaoi content from this account. If you want to continue to support the Yaoi side of our projects, you can join our other patreon BUFF CRISIS. And about the price, I will be lowering the prices of the current tiers here to match the amount if you so happen to want to support both.

Prices here:
Tier 1 (Tip jar)= $1
Tier 2 (Content Enjoyer)= $2 (former $5)
Tier 3 (Extra!)= $5 (former $10)

Prices on buff crisis (yaoi):
Tier 1 (Tip jar)= $1
Tier 2 (Content Enjoyer)= $3
Tier 3 (Extra!)= $5

What led me to this decision is because every time I post something yaoi related, a couple of people cancels their membership, which makes me anxious. So rather than stressing over it too much, I'll just separate them entirely.  So starting early next month, no more exclusive Yaoi related on here just the main projects.  

I hope you're all okay with this decision.
Thank you!



Forgot to mention that you have to manually edit your tier if you wish to change it cause Patreon doesn't allow me to edit prices. Thank you!

Nova Mors

Completely understandable rational thinking It also will help tell us who get both to know what to expect when opening the notification


It's funny how easily people cancel while I've been here for years despite all the straight content lmao. But I will be moving to the new account now!