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Behold! Troy in a primal, lust driven state, brought on to him by having his foreskin pulled all the way back. He has no recollection of what happens afterwards, but it’s normally pretty intense

UNCENSORED HERE -> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zl7wMwDRO1B_a07W4pDJLuBim6I9e6y8/view?usp=sharing




I love your art style and your work it’s one that I’m inspired by as I practice drawing myself


Man, talk about both funny & sexy. I love it! So, in regards to him going into "feral" mode because of his foreskin being pulled back, is that due to Troy masturbating or having sex (speaking of which, so when he has sex, does he become like this?)? Or is it just whenever his foreskin gets pulled back by any mundane means, this happens to him? Because that's both funny for the latter and sexy for the former.


It was a silly idea we had lol but basically his foreskin is too tight it doesn't pull all the way back. but when it does he just lose it. It rarely happens even during sex.

