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I've drawn this small personal picture to try "static" animation. Hopefully the animation itself will be completed in December ^^ Also, I'll read and reply the comments to the previous post ASAP!

This is Kordi going somewhere by an old trolleybus, drowning in her thoughts while browsing streets of her hometown. I've drawn it because I really miss my home, my streets, my friends and relatives - I haven't seen all of them for almost a year and I don't know when I'll be able to get back. Sadly politics are stronger than people like me now and I've chosen to leave the place I loved because I think that I can bring more use for those I love (and maybe for the society?) that way. (When I was younger I also sometimes ran away from the riot police and I thought I was doing something to improve the life! :p But seems like it didn't work, so I guess it's better to focus on helping each other now!)

And have you ever left your home for a long time/forever? Was it easy?




I moved abroad with my mother in my teens, looking mostly for a better life, I suppose? To get education recognized in more places than my home country. It's been almost ten years since, yet I still can't fit in here... I don't like it here and I miss home. Unfortunately, home doesn't feel like home anymore because it's been so long, I'm now a visitor in my country. Life went on without me. Things are very different from what they used to be. Now I'm stuck in this weird spot where I want to move out but can't go back "home" and I have no idea what to do, so I just keep existing as is, hoping tomorrow will bring a solution. Wow that sounds depressing xd It obviously ain't all bad and I'm working hard to improve but still.


30 years ago I graduated from college and moved halfway across my country to start a new job. I missed some things, like the beauty of autumn during my first year or two away from home but over time I found myself thinking of my new city as home. I love my family in the old city and visit them at least once a year but where I am now is my home. I will probably die here, and I'm good with that.


I’m really curious where are you from and where you moved to but don’t share it if you’re not comfortable with it! This situation sounds very sad. But if you didn’t get used to the new place in 10 years and if your home country has a normal life level now, it might be a good idea to get back and learn to live there again. Or try a different, new place…


I’m glad to hear that you enjoy living in the new place and you feel it as your home! It’s important ^^ (And I’m actually also feeling so happy to have a Parton of your age!)