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So :) It's a follow up to the last picture of Helga having sex with some fox guy: https://www.patreon.com/posts/truth-about-67078654?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator

Seems like her boyfriend Eugen told her that she broke his heart... Maybe after seeing how hurt he felt, she finally realized that she did a really bad thing and she is really sorry? Or is it another manipulation? 

I'll post a poll soon, and the next pinup of Helga will be based on its results ^^ If you'll like this interactive idea, then I'll try to create some sexy stories (mostly teasing/tasteful nudity/erotic ones) for every of my characters from the Patreon Pinup polls and these stories will be also guided by voting here ^^



Gerald Sears

She looks sincere but the whip makes me think there is some kink going on and wondering if he's already forgiven her.

Sakura Wulf

She knew what she was doing when she did it. That whip must be there because of the guilt. Hope it's used.