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For Koyot ^^

Heh, seems like the more effort we put into drawing the more people unsubscribe from this patreon page...




Do not worry about the ones leaving. They were not worth your time. The ones that stay love you whatever you do! Great art all around!


Thank you very much, it's amazing ^^


I appreciate the effort put in the artworks. But the current situation in Europe even makes my purse thinner and thinner. Back when I started supporting the 5€ weren't even felt. Now it could make a good meal in a rough month. I wouldn't be surprised if it's more about the irl situation instead of the great artwork. Please be motivated to continue making sexy pinups! In a rough time it is art that keeps people happy ^^


@Megadead is perfectly right. It's not art thing, it's economy :-(


This is exactly what I am thinking. I will continue to be your patron for as long as I can afford. Your art always brings a smile to my face and that is very important to me in times like these. :)


We love you <3


Sounds about right, I don't know how the situation is in the entirety of Europe, but we are definitely feeling the effects here in the States too. This inflation is no joke. Regardless, I am not going anywhere. I will continue to support you on this page. You're art work is so captivating and admirable. Honestly, your patreon posts is something I really look forward to. It brings me joy and I am sure a lot of people feel the same way =-)

Vicki M.

I can barely afford to eat, but I've been subbed for years and have every intention to continue no matter what you post - you've been my best artistic inspiration, and your dedication to art deserves success.


There's absolutly nothing wrong with the art, it's stunning, and an inspiration for me (even though I'm not a furry artist). I'd blame the economy.


Sounds like we loyal fans just need to commission you more to make up for the loss. ^^ this bunny is lovely

Baron Blackfox

Now when I finally have stable job for like 3 years, if I ever unsub, that will mostly likely mean that I just died.


with what is happening nowadays, being here brings a better world with your devilishly beautiful girls with smiles and perfect curves, they make you dream, I would like to be with them, thank you for this brilliant work. They are also sources of inspiration :)


I've always been a big fan of you, Iskra. Your art is amazing and your characters are beautiful. You are a very talented person and deserve to be rewarded for your creations. So, my plan is to support you for many, many years more. :)