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First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming support you have shown. It amazes me that enough people are interested in my work that I can afford to dedicate myself fully to making Magical Mishaps!

What's next?:

As the end of the current arch draws near, I'll be starting to create preliminary content for six new short, standalone game chapters that will be serving as an epilogue.Each chapter will focus exclusively on interactions with one of the six main girls, providing deeper insights into their personalities and fostering unique relationships with the player.

Progress Update:

There has been some unexpected setbacks relating to the animations. Many of them needed cleanup and re-exporting due to Renpy's video formatting restrictions. The animations are all completed now and I'm deep into the coding and creating minor assents as I go over the script. I want the final chapter to feel climactic and special, hence the animations. These animations however, proved to be a big scope issue in hindsight. That, along with creating a six different climaxes (one with each character), has been a big damper on the project in terms of a consistent release schedule. I assure you, though, that the wait will be well worth it when the game is finally released!

Next month, I anticipate completing the main game and devoting the remaining time to creating assets for the epilogue chapters. Your patience is greatly appreciated, and you can expect the release on July 1st!"


Guts Of Rivia

Keep up the good work buddy. We are rooting for you.


Excited for the climatic release but will be sad it's ending.


This game is amazing. You truly have a gift. I'm glad to have seen your work. Can't wait for what's next!


This was quite the adventure, and I'm glad I was here to see it completed


Really interested by the fact there's different climaxes. Is it that it's more just differences via each girl just being there, or does each character being there outright cause the events to change fundamentally?


Really hyped for this Sad that is ending i thought the release was going to be tomorrow i was likeee holy shit🔥. But either way loved this game easily 10/10.