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So for those unaware, Texas was hit by a freak winter storm, causing a massive stall with electricity and other damages to infrastructure. We were on rationed power for about 3 days. Had to escape our house to my brother's apartment as a transformer stopped working amidst the snow storms, causing our appliances to stop working altogether while the heater was running at the bare minimum. Water pipes everywhere also collapsed, causing the city's tap water to be unsafe for drinking. To put it simply, I fell behind on Patreon work so I have at least next week to finish all rewards. The Joker and Batman rewards are both going to be photo bashes, which do take quite a while to make. Hopefully I'll be able to have both rewards done in time.



Don’t even worry! What matters right now is that you’re safe while in all of this. I hope the situation gets better soon!


A little bird told me you were impacted but I do like when artists post updates about what is going on instead of leaving people in the dark and abandoning their Patreon so I appreciate the post.


It was horrible Thank the gays you’re alive and survived


I’m in Houston and I think it was more stressful than any hurricane because no one expected to be without power all week and few were stocked up on food or emergency supplies. It was scary how no one thought to warn us ahead of the few problems they were planning on which escalated beyond their control very quickly. Many Texans are not happy with their elected officials. Especially when Governor Abbott’s tweet after the electrical grid almost completely collapsed leaving 4 million plus Texans with no power and none in site for some of the coldest days on record - Abbott tweeted “Happy Presidents Day”. It was a priceless MasterCard commercial moment if there ever was one. The stupidity or balls to tweet happy p day to 4 million pissed off Texans - priceless


Take you time. Your safety is more important than the art you provide. Which the art is amazing by the way