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Sorry for the lack of information regarding my situation. I just got back from my doctor's visit (yes, they were that booked) and I have good news and bad news. The good news is I don't have developing carpal tunnel and nothing in my joints or nerves seem damaged enough to warrant surgery. For the most part, I just have a bad case of repetitive pain from work and generally it's hard to really nail down what'll help alleviate it.

Because of this, I've been scheduled for physical therapy and that's where the bad news comes in as each visit is around $70. I've been watching my finances as of late in an attempt to make sure I'm not losing money monthly and at the moment, I need to do more commission work to help keep my balance in the green, which means less focus on patreon work. There shouldn't be too much of a downgrade but I can't get overly ambitious with a picture's quality and spend weeks on a reward. We'll see what happens overall but the good thing is I'm not going on hiatus for the sake of health.



So glad to hear it isn't serious! I'm sure what ever you do with the commission or patreon you will make something amazing! Take all the time you need to recover properly~


I am just glad your ok man, take as much time as you need

Matty Burr

Really glad to hear you're alright! I think we're all more than fine with "lesser quality" pics (and I use the term loosely) so long as you're doing alright.


There's no "lesser quality" in your case. The massiveness of your muscle art more than makes up for it.


I'm glad that you are able to get the help you need. Take your time man. Your work is great even when it's not a great big painting.