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Hey guys, as i posted on Lens, I'm having problems with inspiration since i got home... I believe its something i must speak with my doctor about, i feel that... my work ambient is getting me tired... 

But, to escape bit by bit of this art block, I've decided to use some of the photos I had saved to make some art.

I was anxious to bring new content for you guys, hope you like it!



Terry Beary

Looks delicious 😳😳.. also I hope you can get the art block thing fixed.. I had that for years, probably because of my undiagnosed adhd then (have adult adhd apparently) and clinical depression. My SNRI medication helped me.. all the best buddy! Love your drawings!!

Casca Ozy

This speaks to my heart! ❤💦 I couldn't have asked for a better drawing for your return

Judd Moore

This is such a delicious piece Marlon! 🤤


Thanks buddy, I hope to get around this soon, I feel like my work environment is maybe causing me some stress, I'm thinking about making a move, buying a new table, moving a few things around to try and make some comfortable feeling.