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Hey everyone!

So, one of my supporters actually sugested me to change the image i use on my Patreon Tiers to actually avoid any kind of problem with Patreon's TOS. YET, i do remember that with this changes something that i'm not totally certain of, and this will send a notification to everyone in that supporter tier. I'm really not certain if everyone on that Tier will be removed or what because, let's be honest, this is some kinda confusing stuff. At least for me.

It's not something to worry about, i wont change prices or anything, i'm just going to change the Patreon's Tier image and nothing else!

And, by the way, i'm finishing my Lettering classes, and i gotta say i'm LOVING it! This last week i've been working a lot on it too, and i'm really in love with the results i've gotten so far! So, with this, down bellow there'll be the sneak peak of the new Tier icons i just finished recently!

Also, i'll be announcing previously when i'll be changing the Tier's icons!




I love the sound of that. Cult of Pecs