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Hello everyone!

A slight mix up from last time, I posted pack 28 before pack 27 :) So we are not going back just making sure there is no confusion later on!

Today's tokens are a whole bunch of Zombie creatures though! Some are inspired by some popular IP's others are more generic fantasy. I also made them fit with my standard design, so I might go back and add weapons and rags/clothes to "flesh" out the pack lol As alway

s you can find the tokens with shadows, without and circle portrait versions in the downloads below!





Thank you!


Oh damn, several dudes in my game are huge Half-Life enthusiasts. They're gonna be in for a fuuuun time now.

Paul Sturr

It's a long shot, but I was wondering if you had made any other color variations of the crystal zombie. It is EXACTLY what I need for my upcoming session, but would prefer another color scheme. If not, no worries. :)


This is quite easy to do if your on my disord just give me a ping with what color you need :)