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Hello all!

Today's update is a totally personal one, but I like to share these with all of you amazing people when it affects my work, so here we go!

As the title suggests I'm moving!

It's been quite some time since I wrote anything personal about my life and looking back over several years Ive just been charging ahead, creating content and getting on with things. But for several reasons, such as changes in my personal life, the UK becoming extremely expensive to live in and the difficulty of dealing with my gender identity and mental health I decided I needed a change.

Without going into massive detail, the TLDR is; With the help of some absolutely amazing friends Ive been able to move to Greece and while there are many things I still need to get fixed (As of writing this my new place does not have the electricity turned on yet, or internet and I'm writing this from my friend's house..) hopefully within a week I should be back up and running and back to drawing :)

I'm not sure if anyone is interested too much in the details, but it's a little place in Thessaloniki, the northern part of Greece close to my friend's house and the balcony is almost as big as the space inside!

Obviously, this has an effect on content coming out on Patreon so I wanted to let everyone know there might be slightly fewer posts this month while I get settled and set up. 

Anyway, while this isn't a particularly long post I did want to also thank all of the people who continue to support me here on Patreon, this is a pretty major change in my life and hopefully, it will lead to even greater things, better food, more peace of mind and lots more creativity as I improve as a person!

Much love and see you in the next post! <3 <3



Gaëtan Perrault

Congratulations on finding a new place! I have recently moved twice, including one change of country. I know how incredibly involved this can be. I know that you want to get back to work as soon as possible, but remember that we're not just here buying maps, we're also here to support *you*. If all we wanted was maps, we would be on your website. So please make and take the space you need. Moving isn't just electricity and an apartment. You need IDs and accountant phone calls and other things that involve waiting around in government offices. It all takes time and effort and executive function. I've upped my contribution for a few months. Please take care. And congrats again.


may the isles serve you well, santorini is beautiful this time of year