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Chel! I've made some upgrades so she works better with Blender 4.0.




Jonathan Delgado

I download these knowing damm well I don’t know the first thing about using blender lol


Hey, BK. Love all of the stuff you do! Having an issue with Chel, though. I downloaded her and she opens up fine in Blender, but the rig controls are not registering. I select, say, the rotation control on a part of her body, the control moves and the numerics register, but the model stays frozen in place. I'm very new to Blender and I have looked high and low for an answer, but no results. Is there a lock control somewhere that I am missing? Thanks and keep doing awesome stuff


Hello and thank you! That sounds strange. Which blender version are you using? You should come to the Discord and you can share screenshots there, much easier to help!