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It is Slime Time my friends! Velma gets slimed!!

I wanted ty try something with physics fluids, so I experimented a bit and also modeled my own goo. You can probably tell which is which. I changed her expression and focus a few times and thought why not just include them all in here.

Blender fluids have improved a great deal since I first used them years ago. But! They are still very "grid-like" and it's hard to make fluid strands properly. For that reason I will probably still use my stop motion technique of animating fluids. But maybe I'll use physics for some things here and there. We'll see!



Brendan Vuong

Do you have an animation in this outfit?


id love to put some of my own goo on her in this incredible look lol...would love an animated blowjob of her wearing this with green goo coming out at the end instead of the usual white or maybe u could do both colors lmao lol would also love some full body shots of her in that incredible red latex outfit :P