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/// Not a NEW post, audio is new and can't edit audio into old text & image posts.

5 background illustrations, 5 background crowds, 1 music track.

The vendor's room or dealer's room where most convention shopping is done, a major feature of any anime convention. We're going to start off with an entrance checkpoint, then do a wide establishing shot inside vendor's room, and then commission aisles between vendor's booths or specific booths later as needed.

03/04/2024 Monster Battlers theme track added. It was a must-have after Tenne did so well with the Fantasy Wars theme we're using for the Con Hall introduction! Will be having her slightly tone down the sfx! The one at 1:06 & 2:36 is particularly jarring, haha.

03/??/2024 Flamituff & Pandape Monster Battlers designs: PLANNED

03/05/2021 Vendor's room entrance. 04/30/2021 Door edit. 05/09/2021 Badge check & entry line:

Supplementary images courtesy of Sinpathy—ScribbleHub author and artist that did one of our covers, MikeWe—author and the cover doctor who typeset logos for several of our other covers, Zaphryon—our previous character artist, Chewie and Wraiith303—Asher Valley and Infinite Stars creators who've lent us Zaph designs to use as cosplayers, and last but not least Vowron Prime, Woofcano, CoCo_P, and Bri || SoundsofHysteria—webfiction compatriots from Royal Road.

09/29/2020 Vendor's room. 06/18/2021 Bannerless edit. 3/08/21: Populated with attendees:

09/19/2021 Vendor's room aisle. 09/29/2021 Attendees in aisle:

1/12/2022 Vendor's room booth. 02/09/2022 Shoppers added:

Banner edit + combined crowd layers for overcrowded area:

( Convention Restrooms | AnimeCon Harem Eroge | Convention Lobby Friday )


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