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/// Not a NEW post, music track is new and can't edit audio into old text and image posts.

2 animations, 2 background illustrations, 1 music track.

02/01/2024 Burning Body track added.

01/23/2021 Hotel Bathroom v2:

08/15/2021 Bathroom Interior:

We have a curtain-less version with added steam that we'll zoom in on when we need scenes of characters actually in the shower bathing:

09/27/2023 Stephanie scrubbing animation:

12/10/2023 Stephanie playing with herself animation:

It also occurs to me that rather than completely retiring our v1 bathroom illustration we can horizontally flip it like so and use it specifically for a lower angle views we need (Stephanie sitting on the edge of the tub to remove her boots, Kelly & Steph sitting together to soak their feet the next day, etc).

Our character artist has also started working on Kelly, and she's already gone through her first round of changes. Prepping the next set of references to send him as well. Trying to be productive as possible (i.e., productive at all) while I'm quitting caffeine and the veins in my brain are trying to throb their way free of my skull. Would very much like to skip these days and fast travel to the 6th or 7th. ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)

( Brian's Room Night | AnimeCon Harem Eroge | Early Morning )



The audio file is not playing for me. Anybody else having that problem?