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As I mentioned back in Oct, the pledge tiers have been overhauled in a big way. I'd put off doing it month after month because I always felt like I was behind on writing, absolutely wanted to get them redone before second quarter.

I don't blame anyone for unpledging! I appreciate all of the support that's been given to me and completely understand how tripling the base price may make support untenable now. The major takeaways:

1) RE: Trailer Trash and AnimeCon Harem updates can now be separate, as in if you're interested in one but not the other your tier will no longer send you updates for the fiction you don't care about. This was a feature requested often!

2) Cost of living and well, cost of everything has gone up, and living paycheck to paycheck in constant stress was definitely affecting my writing output. Also, tired of getting into fights with author friends who insisted I was undervaluing myself.

3) Seems to clean up both the page here and the discord by simplifying everything. Much prefer having three tiers to seven!

If anyone is having trouble accessing the content they should be able to access, please message me or just comment here. I'm spending most of today going through and trying to manually fix... well, several hundred posts. 



I decided to custom pledge at the same amount. Keep up the great work!


Hey! Yes, I think there is no way to do without changes, especially since you yourself mentioned that you had been planning this for a long time. good changes