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   “Shit,” Emily swore under her breath. “Shit shit shit shit.”

   “Chill out,” Kelly smacked the girl’s arm with the back of her hand. “Steph’s got this.”

   “You don’t understand,” Emily quailed. “There’s just no fucking way Brian is going to be cool with this. At all. He’s always—”

   “Steph’s got this,” Kelly repeated in frustration. “Alright? She’ll automatically know how he feels about evrything, her power is basically like cheating at poker. Besides, he can’t say no to Steph anyways. She’s got this.”

   “We don’t know that that’s exactly how her thing works,” Emily griped. “For all we know, Brian being super not okay with it will influence Steph and make her super not okay with it, too! If you take into account that the—”

   “Steph said she’s got this, so she’s got this,” Kelly insisted. “Okay? Drop it, chill out. We can trust Stephanie. I’m about to be moving in with him, so he’d better be okay with this, or what the fuck am I even supposed to do? Alright? So, quit it—you’re making me all jittery. Fuck.”

   “Alright, sorry,” Emily huffed. “I just—yeah, sorry.”

   “Me too,” Kelly shrugged. “Sorry.”

   The two girls strode side by side out the convention’s double doors into the sunlight, leaving the con together for the second time in just a few hours. Emily’s mind was absolutely swimming with everything else that was going on, but in a rare moment of insight, she realized that Kelly unlike last time—Kelly had slowed her longer stride so that they were walking at the same pace. Few people besides Brian ever noticed or even cared to accommodate her smaller steps, meaning that most of her life Emily felt like she was being pressed to keep up with everyone else.

   “I think I’m maybe closer to figuring out my power,” Emily chimed in, eager to pull them out of their previous heavy topic and into a new direction. “I felt like I was connecting to it, for a bit. Just I was, y’know, way too distracted by all the sexy brainfuck juice we were carrying. Oh—yeah uh, sorry again for swallowing some of it. Totally didn’t mean for that to happen, it just sorta—”

   “Don’t be sorry,” Kelly shrugged. “I ended up swallowing almost all the rest of it. Only like a tiny bit of it actually made it the whole way to Steph.”

   “Oh. Oh,” Emily blinked. “Well—yeah, can’t blame you. That stuff is dangerously good.”

   “Yeah,” Kelly frowned. “I think my power’s back on, I can kinda feel it in the back of my mind. Lurking there. Now I’ve gotta worry some asshole future Kelly’s gonna fuck with me. I really hate my power.”

   “What?” Emily sputtered. “Kelly, future knowledge is like, ultra-OP. Unless one of us learns a teleporting power, yours is hands-down, by far the best power anyone could ever even get. By a fucking longshot.”

   “Okay,” Kelly made a face. “But, I hate it. Hate feeling like someone’s just leading me around by the nose, I can’t fucking stand it. Even if it’s ‘future me.’ Fuck future me.”

   “Uhhh—” Emily didn’t know what to say.

   “The first time my charm power activated, it was to like, lure me into rooming with Brian and Steph. On the false promise of sex. Then—”

   “Categorically untrue,” Emily interrupted. “False promise? We’ve kinda—”

   “—Then, the second time, future me tried to make it like she was just giving me this helpful heads-up about my power,” Kelly scowled. “When really, she was tricking me. Showing me exactly what I needed to see, so that I’d get myself deeper and deeper into all of this. It’s just like Stephanie said—this spoonful of sugar so that I’d take my medicine, like I’m this fucking kid. Pisses me off even more that I know all of that and it’s still working.”

   “Okay, time-out,” this time Emily was the one forming a T shape with her hands. “Me and you, we’re cool, right? So, are we the kind of friends where you want me to just sorta go along with what you’re saying so you feel better—or, are we the kinda friends where I level with you and I’m totally honest about what you need to hear, even if it’s really not what you want to hear?”

   “I don’t know?” Kelly gave an indifferent shrug. “Whatever you wind up saying, that’s the kind of friends we are, I guess.”

   “Um. Well, Kelly—you’re kind of a super manipulative person,” Emily said. “Like, not in a good or bad way, that’s just how you are. Who you are. You’re used to using things to get your way, so yeah duh the future you is gonna be like that. Does it suck to be on the receiving end? Yeah, sure. That’s part of why Brian and I didn’t mesh with the popular types back in high school, and we were kinda off into our own thing.

   “But like, with the time magic thing you have going on… for as long as you’re willing to manipulate dumb past you into doing what you want—because obviously you know better than she does—future you is gonna keep being this clever asshole who’s always two steps ahead of you. Always. That’s the revolving wheel of Kelly Kelly Kelly, and you’re never ever gonna be on top.”

   “So, that’s just it, and there’s nothing I can do about it?” Kelly fumed. “There’s no way out of that?”

   “If you’re gonna be stubborn about it—then, yes?” Emily held up her hands. “Should be obvious, but all you have to do to break that cycle is quit treating past you like this different person you’re trying to take advantage of.”

   “If I’m not trying to use this to my advantage, then there’s literally no point in using my power to try to change things for the better,” Kelly argued.

   “You’re not wrong,” Emily shrugged. “But... you could be a lot more right. I think maybe whenever you’re gonna use your power next, consult with Steph first. Like, run what you were planning to say or send or whatever by her first and see what she thinks.”

   “To sugarcoat it,” Kelly frowned again. “You want her to sugarcoat it.”

   “I mean, if you’re fine with feeling all bitter about having the most useful superpower ever, then just keep doin’ what you’re doin’ I guess?” Emily muttered. “Fucking hell. I hope I get teleporting, my feet are killing me. Can you imagine just like—”

   “Sarah, you don’t get to—” Kelly grimaced and clapped a hand over her own mouth. “Fucking fuck fuck. Actually almost fucking went there and called you Sarah. Was bound to happen when you’re both always acting like goddamn weeaboos.”

   “Sarah?” Emily looked bewildered. “The fuck? Who’s Sarah?”

   “Ughh. Don’t even ask,” Kelly growled. “Don’t want to get into it.”

   “Uhhh, okay?” Emily shrugged. “Let’s talk about Brian instead, then.”

   “Sure,” Kelly agreed. “What about him?”

   “So, your whole weird thing is that you’re more into Steph than you are into Brian, yeah?”

   “It’s…” Kelly paused. “It’s fuckin’ complicated, alright?”

   “No, no, I’m just like, interested,” Emily said. “I’ve been secretly into Brian for pretty much forever. He’s this huge part of my life, we were thick as thieves all through high school and so, yeah, I also had this huge crush on him all that time. All this time. If you’re tryin’ to be into Brian, I’m the girl to go to!”

   Emily jerked her arm up and flashed a big thumbs up with her elbow sticking out.

   “Wow,” Kelly mouthed. “I know he told us you do that, but seeing you do it in person is still kinda… wow. You realize how lame that looks, right?”

   “Of course it’s lame, that’s what makes it funny,” Emily stuck her nose up in the air. “You take everything too seriously, and that’s what’s really lame.”

   “If you say so,” Kelly shook her head. “But, uh, yeah. Brian? He’s cool, and I can see why you’re into him. Him and I definitely had a couple moments where things just clicked, and we had some kind of connection that I never expected. And, when we were bumping uglies it was weirdly easy to fantasize about being in love with him and going through with all the lovey dovey couple shit.

   “But, that’s just it; it’s fantasy,” Kelly frowned. “I know I’ve changed over the past couple nights. I’ve changed a lot. But, I can’t change everything. I can’t change my past. There’s some things about me that just aren’t ever gonna change, and they’re the kinda things that torpedo relationships fast. I’m real used to my way or the highway, and this whole thing is just some… really fuckin’ weird detour. Some of that I didn’t even realize until Brian fuckin’ pointed it out.”

   “Brian pointed what out?” Emily blinked.

   “He was saying to me—basically, you’re gonna be uncomfortable living with me if I’m paying all the bills and providing and shit. As like, a power dynamic thing between us. Was suggesting I at least pick up a part time job so that I can feel like I have agency with my life, or like I’m not completely dependent on him.”

   “Mmm,” Emily beamed. “Yeah, you gotta watch out for that, Brian can be real fuckin’ thoughtful sometimes.”

   “That’s—” Kelly made a face. “No, that’s a problem. I’m not a super thoughtful person, I’m more of a spontaneous, in-the-moment kinda girl. We were talking about what’s important in a relationship last night, and he said ‘compromise.’ Compromise. That’s not really a strength of mine, either. That’s not how I do relationships. Someone like me, I’m not supposed to be catching feels in the first place. Someone’s gonna get hurt. Everyone’s gonna get hurt. Just knowing that makes me want to bail before this all fucking blows up in everyone’s face.”

   “That’s how you feel when you picture things with Brian, but not how you feel when you’re picturing things with just you and Stephie?” Emily asked.

   “It’s—I dunno,” Kelly scowled. “Yeah, maybe. Things are different if it’s just me and Steph. It’s like Steph can accept me no matter what.”

   “And, Brian can’t?” Emily challenged.

   “Yeah, basically,” Kelly nodded. “Or, like—he’s a guy. I’m gonna be different around him. There’s gonna come some point where I fly into a mood and just feel this need to push all his buttons. To lash out, to be the alpha bitch that’s always got to test him. It’ll probably be over something stupid and pointless. It always is. Except this time? This time, it’s gonna get everyone fucking hurt.”

   “I think you’re missing something,” Emily said. “Or, overlooking it. Like, first of all— why would Stephanie let you do any of that?”

   “What do you mean?” Kelly stared.

   “You’re talking assuming Steph would let any of those problems develop,” Emily pointed out. “Like she’s gonna be asleep at the wheel or somethin’. You realize she’s the empath, right? Think about what you just said to me about leaving the huge fucking Brian finding out fiasco to her. If you’re right about her power, she’s gonna know whenever something’s off or wrong way the fuck before you are, and then she’ll be all over it. You do realize that’s literally what she’s supposed to be doing right now, right?”

   “That’s… yeah, but I don’t want to put all of that on her,” Kelly said.

   “Way too late for that,” Emily shrugged. “All those things you’re worrying about are already in her hands, and I don’t think you get to take them back. Welcome to being loved and cared about.”

   “Fuck,” Kelly swore under her breath.

   “Yep,” Emily said. “Now, turn it around—if—no, when Steph has problems, are you just gonna stand by and ignore them?”

   “No,” Kelly admitted. “Just. It’s still gonna be weird with Brian. Steph feels differently about Brian than I do, she doesn’t have my problems. I don’t want my bullshit to come between them in the first place.”

   “It won’t,” Emily insisted. “I don’t think it will. If you need space or anything, Brian’ll give you space. If you need him, he’ll be there for you. For any weird, bad stuff between you— just like, talk through it with Steph and she can mediate. Right?”

   “I guess,” Kelly said with reluctance.

   “Hey, uhh,” Emily paused. “About before, about what you said way earlier this morning? Yeah, I’ll be your girlfriend, if you still want me.”

   “Oh?” Kelly arched an eyebrow.

   “I feel like things just kinda clicked,” Emily said. “Just now. You went from being this totally alien existence I can’t relate to, to someone I really do know, and want to know. You know?”

   “I was… half serious about that,” Kelly admitted. “Honestly didn’t put a ton of thought into it. No offense. But if you want to—”

   “You’re a fuckup,” Emily said with a small smile. “Like, for whatever reason I wasn’t even able to see it until we went through all that just now. You’re all amazing and on another level and it’s like you have all your shit together—but you’re also a total fuckup. Now I’m picturing your life as just like, you stubbornly barging on through from one epic fucking disaster to the next, not even super bothered by the mess you’re causing.”

   “I guess,” Kelly sounded amused more than anything.

   “I’m like, the polar opposite kind of fuckup,” Emily illustrated with her hands. “To where I’m afraid to even move, or I’m stuck in one spot spinning my wheels not getting anywhere, or going around in circles in my head with pointless shit. You’re over here fucking everything up, and I’m way on the other end fucking everything up. Two total fuckups. You like, not putting much thought into what you’re doing, and me way overthinking things.”

   “So, we can be real fuckups together?” Kelly smirked.

   “Kind of,” Emily gave her a thoughtful look. “I feel like with the specific different ways each of us fuck up, if we can stick together and like, course correct in each other’s direction, maybe things’ll work out really well?”

   “Or, alternatively, it all blows up in our face but twice as fast and hard?” Kelly countered.

   “Maybe,” Emily said. “I can see that happening, too. I’ll get all hurt by something you said, even if it’s not really the way you meant it, and just keep running it over and over and over in my mind and being bothered by it. I do that all the time. But, then again—we have Stephanie, too. Maybe she’d catch that kind of thing and help us sort it out.”

   “Sounds like it’s always gonna come back to Stephanie just magically solving all our problems,” Kelly remarked in a dry voice.

   “Well, not always,” Emily said, giving Kelly a somber look. “When Chloe was getting right in our face screaming and shouting, Stephie and I couldn’t do jack shit about it to like, out-talk her in front of everybody. Steph was getting overloaded on all the anger and I… I just clench up and get too flustered to have the right things to say in those kinda moments. Then I spend months afterwards replaying it in my mind and trying to think of what I should have said.

   “We needed you, all of us needed you there. And, when Steph was all locked into berserker Steph-mode afterwards, she needed us. Together, you and I tag-teamed things there and actually accomplished something kinda crazy. Right? We’re all always gonna have all kinds of fuckups, but as long as we’re all committed to putting in some effort, this relationship isn’t going to fall apart for stupid reasons.”

( Previous: 13 pt 4 | AnimeCon Harem | Next: 13 pt 6 )

/// Might trim some of the dialogue down, I've kind of been overwhelming people with conversations here for a while. Gonna hold AH here for a bit so that I can jump back into a RE:TT mindset, but give me a couple days because I want to go back through and do a full readthrough to get myself back into the game.



While you dialogue is quite good, I feel like it takes up 70% or the story. It might just be that I haven’t read any story written like this before, but it feels like “all bark and no bite” if that makes sense. If your going to do long, in depth conversations, you should lightly explain how the characters move/gesticulate because the average human constantly moves their body when speaking. Cuz as of right now, When ever they start talking about the dream world, I honestly get quite lost at what they are talking about, as your use of metaphors will not make sense to everybody.


Well, I find it overwhelming, but it is also how I imagine teen age girls talk to each other. I have just no experience with teenage girls in this century, but it is exaggerated enough to be a bit irritating while kinda cute in its own way. I enjoy wading through it, but I get done and, well I am reminded of when a buddy of mine and I drove across America. We had this great VW beetle and a book of road maps. We reduced out conversation to a series of grunts. And then laughed and laughed. thank for bringing that back. That was 1976. The bicentennial year.