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   “Emily, you, you can’t do things like that, not out where everyone can see!” Stephanie admonished her.

   “We, uh, we weren’t!” Emily’s feeble protest sounded so stupid even to her that she was surprised it had immediately popped out of her mouth with such confidence. “I mean—well, you know what I mean!”

   Emily let Stephanie pull her along by the hand away from the Atrium and across the convention center’s upper level veranda in a dizzying rush of excitement. Kelly and Megan were hurried along with them, at a brisk enough pace that Kelly’s rockin’ knockers were doing that healthy bounce motion she couldn’t tear her eyes from. They’d gotten caught kissing— and a little more than kissing, and although she should have been embarrassed or ashamed or something, Emily just wasn’t feeling that.

   “Y-you were, though!” Stephanie let her hand slip free of Emily’s so that she could clamp it across her forehead for a moment in apparent discomfort. “You were!”

   All she could think about was the intimate pleasure of Kelly’s mouth, the meteor-hot intensity of what it was like experiencing the taller girl’s tongue pushing into her mouth—and fondling Kelly’s ample bust through the thin veneer of fabric that was her shirt. Cupping the weight of those puppies in her hand, feeling her fingers draw across the full delicious round ripeness of their shape. Discovering those stiffening beads of nip that were trying to poke free—they were hard but also pliable, and merely brushing across them elicited immediate shivers out of Kelly. There was something enticing about simply playing with a great pair of tits that Emily couldn’t get out of her head.

   “Steph’s right,” Kelly slurred. “She’s—she’s right.”

   “Don’t you Steph’s right me, bimbo tits—you were doing it too!”

   Emily tried to give Kelly a shove on the shoulder, but instead found her palm sinking into into one of the boobs she’d been very discreetly ogling as they walked. Once she’d played with them once, she honestly just didn’t want to stop. They were just so big, firm but pliable, soft and yet adorned by the impossibly captivating protrusions of those erect nipples that distended the fabric outwards in an eye-catching way. If they weren’t in public at the moment, she’d be grabbing at them right now. In fact, she already was.

   “Emily, stop that!” Stephanie slapped Emily’s hand away. “Stop that. No. And Megan—this isn’t funny!”

   “I didn’t say anything!” Megan grinned.

   “You were laughing!” Stephanie said.

   “I didn’t even make a sound!”

   “You looked like you were laughing!” Stephanie threw her a pout. “Y-you’re, you’re not helping!”

   “I don’t even know what’s going on!” Megan threw up her hands.

   “I don’t know what’s going on either!” Stephanie threw up her hands in exasperation as well, letting the baggie of ice swing from off her wrist to where she was holding it by and almost smack into Emily.

   “Oi, oi!” Emily ducked back a step, walking into Kelly.

   “Watch out,” Kelly caught her in an awkward way, with a hand falling across Emily’s tummy.

   “No, you!” Emily sputtered, feeling blue tingles race down her abdomen at the touch. “You watch it, bimbo tits!”

   “Emily, stop—” Stephanie began in a weak voice.

   “Don’t call me bimbo tits,” Kelly warned in a strange voice. “I mean, like—don’t call me that, unless you’re gonna do somethin’ about it.”

   “Yeah? Something like what?” Emily asked, sneaking a subtle glance at the jiggle of Kelly’s prominent breasts by turning her head towards them and staring at them with large eyes.

   “Something like…” Kelly drew out her words as she traced her fingertips down along the neckline of her band tee.

   Oh fuck oh fuck look at ‘dose tiddies.

   They were hypnotizing, and the wide-eyed Latina let slip a nervous titter somewhere between a squeak and a giggle and stumbled as it got harder to follow along with the pace of the group. Kelly was wearing an off-one-shoulder top with more than enough neckline to readjust, and watching the garment displace to reveal perfect bare flesh beneath was so tantalizing that Emily’s eyebrows rose and her mouth fell open at the sight. Sweet Mother of God…

   “No! No!” Stephanie’s cute attempt at sounding stern interrupted that vision of heaven. Though the slight-figured girl with the vibrant pink hair had been in front leading them over towards the escalator back down to the lobby, Stephanie dropped back so that she could situate herself between the two. “Stop, both of you—cut it out! No!”

   “This is kinda funny,” Megan remarked.

   “No, no it’s not!” Stephanie groaned. “Kelly—can you please tell me what you did? What you did to get this way, so th-that, that we can figure out how to undo whatever this is?!”

   “Yeah—I can tell you,” Kelly perked up at Stephanie’s interest.

   “Wait, that’s not fair—I can tell you, too!” Emily interjected. “We had this plan. So, because you were soaking up all of—”

   “We’re in an altered state,” Kelly explained in a breathy voice.

   “Well yes we can all see that,” Stephanie threw her hands up again.

   “Lemme explain it,” Emily cut in. “So you were—the thing with Chloe everyone was just totally pissed, and—”

   “No, no, I asked Kelly,” Stephanie motioned for Emily to quiet. “You’re not, um—you’re worse than she is, and half of what you say doesn’t make any sense! It’s like you’re drunk, or you’re high, or—”

   “I’ve got this, I’ve got this,” Kelly continued, pausing for a moment to chase after her thoughts again. “So, we’re in an altered state—”

   “You already said that,” Emily muttered, pursing her lips into a pout. “Bimbo.”

   “Emily, sshh,” Stephanie warned. “Kelly, go on.”

   “It’s like... a psychoactive,” Kelly said, working hard to focus through the daze she was in and holding her flat palms at two different levels in an attempt to illustrate something. “So, our normal thinking is down here, and then right now— we’re way up here in this, this, this state that dish—dissociates us with our surroundings and the normal like, inhibited way we, um—”

   “You’re high,” Megan summed up with an incredulous laugh. “You can just say that—you’re high. Emily’s all goofed out and you’re like, trying to impress my Stephie with your big words, and—”

   “No, no, listen—” Kelly made a face. “It’s high, yeah, but it’s a different kind of high. I know what I’m talking about. It’s like a psychoactive—”

   “What’s like a psychoactive?!” Stephanie demanded in frustration.

   “Oh,” Kelly blinked. “Brian’s cum.”

   “Pfffftt—” Megan blew out air and spittle as surprise laughter overtook her and then almost choked on it.

   “Br-Brian’s... cum is psychoactive,” Stephanie repeated in shock. “Is it—have we all—? How did you even—”

   “Well no, I mean like, you’re probably fine—” Kelly hurried to assure her.

   “We went and got the cum bomb,” Emily piped in. “From the car, we had it in the car. The condom. From—”

   “His saliva and stuff is probably the same, but what I mean is like, it activates as a psychoactive when you exchange it,” Kelly spoke quickly to talk over Emily. “So—I think like getting it once from him, getting little colors from him like we’ve all done, that’s a little nudge. Right? And then, and then if you just keep swapping it back and forth like over and over and over it’s not just one nudge. It’s a bunch in a row, like nudge after nudge after nudge, then it gets—”

   “Wait, if you knew that all along then why the heck did we do it that way?!” Emily exclaimed.

   “I—I didn’t know that!” Kelly argued, furrowing her brow. “How even fucking could I?!”

   “But you just said—”

   “Yeah but like, as it was happening,” Kelly said. “As it was happening I knew, ‘cause I figured it out and that’s how I know. Alright?!”

   “Hold up, hold up,” Megan held up a hand. “You’re saying that even kissing Brian puts you in an altered sta—”

   “Oh, yeah right like you figured anything out when you were all horny-brained,” Emily scoffed at Kelly. “You had to have known it before. There’s no way you used thoughts. Not when we were—”

   “No, I didn’t figure that before,” Kelly shook her head. “I just thought—”

   “You had to have,” Emily insisted. “Because right now you’re not smart. You’re just a horny brain big-tiddy bimbo. You’re just a dumb bimbo that wants to get fucked.”

   “No, I—” Kelly’s protest was a little weaker.

   “Stop stop stop stop stop,” Stephanie insisted, gesturing at Emily to cool it. “Emily, apologize to her! This isn’t—why are you being mean to her?!”

   “I’m... sorry!” Emily’s face fell and she looked genuinely apologetic. “Kelly I, uh, I didn’t really mean that. I just said it ‘cause I thought it’s hot. I thought it would like, turn you on.”

   “I mean, it kinda does…” Kelly admitted, wetting her lips. “But, I really really did figure it out right when—”

   “I—I can’t deal with this,” Stephanie cradled her face in her hands. “Can we, can we please just—”

   “I think I’ve got it,” Megan declared, slapping her fist into her palm. “So, it’s like they’re drugged up and they’re in this weird suggestible state. Right? We can use that. What you need to do is be firm when you talk to them, like give them instructions and make them obey.”

   “N-no, why me?!” Stephanie stammered in a mild panic. “I-I can’t do that!”

   “Well I’m not gonna!” Megan insisted. “I think you need to have them, like, get it out of their systems. You know what I mean. So that they can, uhh—”

   “Aha!” Emily copied Megan’s fist clapping into palm motion. “Totally called it! It’s mind control like I said it was, but all of y’all were like nooo Emily it’s not mind control, there’s no mind control and everything’s fine! It’s mind control. It’s mind control, we’re super duper fucked. Hah ha, I’m in danger!”

   “I-I’m, I’m not going to mind control anyone!” Stephanie stuttered out in growing alarm. “It’s, it’s not like that. We can still—”

   “Emily, stop,” Kelly sounded a little cross, now. “It’s not mind control, and Steph doesn’t like you saying that. Okay? So, don’t say that. It’s Stephanie—we can trust her. So, just be quiet and listen to what Stephanie tells you to do, and then do it.”

   “Are—are you just saying that to turn me on?!” Emily pointed an accusing finger.

   “Why, does it?” Kelly challenged.

   “You guys are a riot,” Megan said.

   There were cosplayers and attendees still in sight everywhere throughout the AnimeCon lobby as the foursome arrived at the escalator and stepped on— but it was also clear that the crowds were starting to thin out and grow more sparse as Sunday went by. It was usually a melancholy feeling, but this year in particular Emily just had way too much on her mind. She’d barely focused on the convention itself at all, in fact— this was the weekend she finally lost her virginity.

   Confessed to Brian, lost my virginity to him, Emily wore a dreamy smile as the escalator carried them down. Became part of a harem, maybe getting some magic power stuffs and living the anime life like I always fantasized. Got one of the main colors, even! Started making out with girls, apparently. It’s actually pretty fuckin’ hawt, I mean I never THOUGHT I’d be into it, but—well, here we are? Kelly’s a REALLY good kisser. Almost as good as Brian. I wonder if like, once we’re back home they’ll be cool with, um. Me dropping by the apartment to stay overnight. Threesome with Brian and Kelly? I actually think I’m down for that. I mean I’m not gonna muff-dive right away or anything, but like, touching and stuff? All for that. I could… yeah, I could maybe finger her. Maybe. Okay, probably. Is it weird that that wouldn’t bother me, now, or like how much my boundaries have shifted? I bet she’d be really really wet...

   The girls hopped off the escalator one-by-one, with only Emily and Kelly slightly stumbling, and then they all looked to an increasingly flustered Stephanie as to where they were heading next.

   “O-okay anyways, if most of this is, um, what I think it is, will you two going somewhere private and t-taking care of it fix this?” Stephanie asked, blushing furiously.

   “I’m in danger!” Emily teased again, nearly doubling herself over with her own joke again.

   “I… think I’d like to, but we don’t have to, I don’t think,” Kelly was still trying to clear her muddled expression. “It is getting better? A bit? We’ll probably be almost back down to normal in a little while. Probably.”

   “Where would, um, we even go?” Emily wondered. “Back to the hotel room?”

   “We already checked out,” Stephanie reminded her. “No more hotel room.”

   “Same,” Megan said. “Sorry. Rebecca even made me go down to the desk and actually check out. Officially check out.”

   “Then—what do we do?” Emily frowned. It was still way too hard to think. Her normal quips and banter still came out thoughtlessly— which was a little telling of how much deliberation she was used to doing before just letting words fly out of her mouth— but whenever she tried to think about anything her thoughts turned back towards all of the naughty fun she could be having with Kelly. She wanted nothing more than to peel that girl’s Rolling Phones shirt up inch by inch to reveal—

   “Emily, kitten...” Kelly called in a husky voice. “What do you want to do…?”

   Her tone was so sexy that Emily was jarred out of her lewd thoughts about Kelly with, well, more lewd thoughts about Kelly, blindsiding her like a splash of blue to the face. They weren’t even articulate or visual thoughts—Emily just found herself staring dumbly at Kelly in a kind of horny daze. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. Feeling dumb and horny is a, it’s um, it’s this fuckin’ wierd TURN ON, and it’s just makin’ me dumber and hornier!

   “It’s not gay if we just make out,” Emily blurted out. “It doesn’t count, I mean. It’s totally cool. I’m down. We can— oh don’t give me that look! There’s nothing gay about being into a nice set of tiddies. Brian and Mike and Will and Tanya and everyone’ll back me up on that. S’not gay.”

   “No one said anything about gay,” Kelly looked confused. “You know I’m bisexual, right? Why would I even care what—you know what, it doesn’t even matter. So—you like these, huh?”

   “They’re perfect,” Emily babbled. “Like them? They’re like, look at them—they’re just, wow. Wow wow wow wow. Your tiddies are like—damn, son. Like, humina humina humina. Like AWOOGA! They’re like, Boing boing boing—”

   “Emily...” Kelly froze, looking from Emily to Stephanie and Megan. “What the actual fuck? Those aren’t even words, you’re just making retarded noises nows.”

   “Oh, ah,” Emily looked surprised. “It’s from a coomer meme. Like from how they overreacted in old cartoons. Reacted to booba, or high cut dresses and stockings, girl characters that were supposed to be all sexy-like. It’s from the meme.”

   “Okay, well I don’t really know memes, so you doesn’t come off as ironic or whatever,” Kelly sighed. “Most of us don’t speak entirely in meme language or understand it, so it just gives people the impression that you’re being really stupid.”

   “I… actually have seen that meme before,” Megan spoke up in a tiny voice. “It’s a real thing.”

   “I mean, I was being really stupid, it’s—it’s supposed to be stupid, that’s what makes it funny!” Emily insisted. “Stupid, juvenile, shitty childish humor is funny to me and it makes me smile, so deal with it! Hmmph! Kelly—not everyone’s all perfect and sexy like you and has to pretend to be cool all the time!”

   “I don’t have to fuckin’ pretend to be cool, Emily,” Kelly rolled her eyes. “And, you don’t speak for me or know me. There’s some stupid things that I really like.”

   “Oh yeah, like what?” Emily challenged. “Name one single stupi—”

   “I really like you,” Kelly shot back. “Like, a lot. It’s stupid, but Emily—I’m really fuckin’ into you.”

   “That’s not—that’s not, no, no, that doesn’t—” Emily immediately found herself flustered. “You just called me stupid!”

   “I said that I like you, stupid,” Kelly retorted, taking a half-step closer to Emily. “And— just before that there, you called me sexy and perfect. Did you not?”

   “Yeah, but that’s objective,” Emily gestured towards her in frustration. “Like—look at you.”

   “I’m looking at you, because even though you objectively act stupid all the time, I really like you,” Kelly insisted.

   “I can’t tell if they’re getting better or worse?” Megan leaned in to whisper towards Stephanie.

   “Uhhh, are you trying come off like you’re being tsundere?” Emily let out a nervous laugh. “Like, you’re being tsundere? Do you even know what tsundere is?”

   “I have no idea what tsundere is,” Kelly shook her head.

   “Actually, both of us know that one,” Megan remarked. “It’s when—”

   “I don’t care,” Kelly shrugged—breasts bouncing—and, then took another ambling step forward towards Emily. “I honestly don’t care. Emily—whenever anyone expresses any kind of interest in you, you start deflecting. Making jokes. Changing the subject. I already watched this play out last night ‘tween you and Brian, and Jesus Christ do we not need to go through all of that bullshit all over again. It’s stupid.”

   “Uhhh—” Emily was filled with nervous energy again, and blue bubbles of anticipation were fluttering up her body in beautiful little formations.

   “Steph wants us to get it out of our system,—so let’s do that,” Kelly bit her lip and used the movement of her upper arms to squeeze her jubblies together. They strained against the fabric, inducing a sort of frenetic tunnel vision in Emily at the sheer beautiful sight of them.

( Previous: Proving a Point | AnimeCon Harem | Next: Emily's Fixation )



Emily's reactions are hilarious in this one


Poor Em!

White Neko Knight

I really really hope that Emily is teased about being a "Fuckboat" later in the story. Or in the sequel, as we come to a close. Also I really really fucking hope that Emily doesn't mention anything about mind control to brian. We've already had that drama and it would suck for it to get dragged out again by her being too excited about the Harem magic fuckery. Even if I hope for some hypnosis shenanigans between her, Kelly, and Brian. Thank's for the chapter!


As the self-proclaimed "Fuckboat" of the group, it would seem that Emily has begun the necessary preparations. Namely, shipping herself with anyone she finds attractive (and trustworthy).

Brian Czisny

Love it! The character interactions are spot on and hilarious, while still addressing the narrative!