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   Infinite Stars is something of a sister project to our AnimeCon Harem Eroge, because we share Zaphryon as our character artist. We've taken our relationship further by collaborating to share designs between games wherever able (Infinite Stars cast as convention cosplayers, AnimeCon Harem characters to help populate ship crewman) as well as early game releases.

   Well, turns out they're substantially ahead of us, as they're offering their patron-only early access today, which is also being extended as a courtesy to all of my patrons here—that's you guys.

   Find the game here if you'd like to try it out: https://infinitestars.itch.io/game 

   Use password "PatronEarlyAccess" to gain entry.

   If you have moral qualms about getting their patron-only access without having ever been their patron, or simply like the game and want to support their team, you can find the Infinite Stars patreon page here.



I can't wait to see the girls in space in uniforms I hope there is easter eggs such as talking about colors meteors forest and maybe seeing somethings Kelly maybe doing to other girls or them getting caught with Brian