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   This is the color test sketch Phu Thieu sent us for our new AnimeCon Harem cover, and... it's pretty damned amazing.

   It's very obvious he drew heavily from the new Zaph references, and you can even see bits of the actual AnimeCon convention lobby our background artist did peeking through. If getting killer art like this requires being successively built up on the back of other commissions, so be it. 

   He's asking a bit more than aslothbeing and a bit less than erickefata but I think this is the best rendition yet, especially for AnimeCon Harem making an Amazon/Kindle debut. 




Phu is very talented.


Wow, that turned out awesome.


That's by far the best yet 👍


YES! I was hoping you were gonna publish! Not to put the cart before the horse, but have you thought about audiobook publishing?


I've thought about it, but I'd need an extremely patient person to read it considering Steph's stutter. Also would have to be a female reader with a very animated voice, lol.


Look up Soundbooth Theater. They have full cast audiobooks and have done multiple erotic books (mostly litrpg power fantasies).


Stephanie Savannah(fostering Faust) is great with multiple women’s voices and could probably do the stutter. Fostering Faust is also an adult rated series, so she might be the best option. Also, this is definitely the best cover.


Best Harem cover


SoundBooth is good. Tess Irondale is also gifted. Jessica Threet’s good. Both Tess and Jessica are used to this genre of material.


I like it, but I personally prefer the art from a sloth being


No critism? Ok, 2 problems I noticed. Looking at this on my phone. The faces look weird, and the red v shaped banner in the background to the left of the girls head. Need to change the color, as it draws attention away from the girls, due to the bunny ears color nearly matching.