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   An illustration of Kelly doing Stephanie's makeup from the Gijinka Training chapter:

   Kelly teasing Brian while Stephanie is in the hotel room's shower:

   Stephanie lost in thought while showering:

    Stephanie lost in something else entirely while showering:

( Zaph Illustrations 1 | AnimeCon Harem Eroge | Zaph Illustrations 3 )



Also, I feel like there will be sort of a weird transition between this and when Chloe texts her with Brian's phone. One of the reasons it was so effective originally was because she got dumped from the highest point of happiness to the lowest low: here she it seems like she is going to be dumped from introspectively sad (hence "subdued smile") to "my life is over" sad.


I disagree in that Steph was in no way at a highest point of happiness--she was in an anxiety-inducing situation, walking alone in an area she wasn't sure if she was allowed to be and was out of her element/didn't feel safe. It's actually the ONLY appropriate point I can think of for a bittersweet moment where Stephanie has time for introspection. Rather than actually sad, she's anchoring her situation (daring to open up, be social and intimate with others) to one of the events of her past that shaped her life. I can try to write a more positive end note to come off of for that, but I definitely don't want her to seem giddy with happiness or at a high point there.


Okay, something's wrong with Patreon website (as always), so if this comment ends up somewhere else, it's supposed to be under Steph and Kelly makeup illustration from AHE. I think Kelly's look is good on the lineart, but as the hair hides her brows and lashes, it turns doll-like and not-Kelly.