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Had an overpowering caffeine headache last night, so I curtailed my writing and worked on reformatting ACH for another stories site I found, StoriesOnline. Navigation seems very strange to me there so far, but the options and categorizations are very, very comprehensive. I was impressed. Not sure I formatted my stories correctly, but I'm trying out grouping the chapters into larger parts; part 1 consisting of chapters 1-4, part 2 being chapters 5-7, part 3 being chapter 8 alone. 

StoriesOnline has a great feature that I wish Lit had where authors can post to a built-in blog, but then on the other hand I also see a lot of "premium-only" features/restrictions that I'm very glad Lit doesn't have. All in all, it's interesting and I'm glad I found it. 

Do you guys know of any other sites/communities where stuff like ACH is posted up? N-not like I want to know, or anything, baka. I'm just, I'm just asking for a friend, that's all!

...Really need to use cutesy voices with my girlfriend like other couples do instead of us yelling at each other to try to out-tsundere each other. Anyways, off to work. Had some good ideas to incorporate into this coming chapter that will set up some of the stuff planned for after the ACH tale and into their next story.



alethiophile: I'm just now getting why you call that self-promotion... lmao. Saw your comment and I was like, WAIT, WHAT?! Damn, how dense am I? On the one hand I'm enjoying QQ, but on the other hand it really seems like everyone there's somehow already read the story.


Though it's self-promotion, there's Questionable Questing, where I found the link to the story on Literotica. QQ largely hosts fanfic, but there's original stuff as well, and I think it would be well-received.


Really? Did someone link it? Just browsed through their forums for a bit and it already has me wanting to get back into writing fanfiction, haha...


Woke up at midnight feeling AMAZING. All the blood vessels in my head were swollen and throbbing for about two days straight as I kicked my caffeine habit. Checked StoriesOnline on my break yesterday, and saw I got my first comment, and it's from Tefler. Definitely one of those "omg senpai noticed me" moments.


It got linked a couple of times in the Recommended Reading thread. Note if you don't have an account on QQ, all you can see are the SFW forums, which are much less active than the NSFW ones visible to registered members.


I support Tefler on patreon too, and I like both of you guys. That being said Tefler is a beast at writing out a crap ton of content really fast. But your quality is head and shoulders above his IMO.