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Spent a good deal of this morning pondering over what Chloe's web alias would be, and I think I've settled on Miss Anne Dree.

1) Phonetically sounds out misandry.

2) "Miss Anne" was common harlem slang for arrogant and condescending white women / a way of commentating on imperious behavior. I only vaguely remembered this.

3) "Dree" is actually also an archaic scottish verb meaning to endure something difficult. I didn't know this--I just googled "Dree" and was pleasantly surprised.

"Miss Ann Dri" is actually already a fairly known twitter alias in real-life, so while the idea here is clever, I have definitely already been beaten to the punch(line). Should I go with something more original for the story?

It's not a big detail, but I feel like it's an important one. I grew up in the earlier days of the internet where IRC chat servers and later AIM and YIM messengers reigned, especially for otaku/geek communities. Your handle was chosen with great care and agonizing deliberation, it became your identity. I tend to get hung up on things like this, like I spent time building the not-tumblr in my head for Chapter 9; Nibbler.

It's already established in my notes for her that Chloe puts stock into taking on aliases, and I'd like to include a future subplot around that--her birth name is Christine Chloe Weschler--she's already insisting people refer to her by her middle name.


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