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Not the final , I’ll update with a background later but idk when lmao, I’m thinking in terms of poster like set-ups atm

Next I’m going to finish Giraheim which I’ll release the. apologies for the lack of art this month I am SUPER strapped for time since I got heightened hours and work and I have a some side project I’m working on and really need to get rolling ! thanks for sticking around and I love everyone's support!




I think this is one of your best ones yet, especially improved is the face. You are did better with the face and its expressions. :) Also, excellent pose. The arm looks natural as well as the nape of the neck. Everything south of the border (neck on down) looks incredible. I can't see anything off. My only suggestion might be to work on how you render your cell shading to improve the definition of muscles so that while it still looks natural and extra elfy slender, the muscles would have more of a curve and bending, squishable texture, and the definition between muscles would be more pronounced. That way you increase feeling of depth so it doesn't feel as flat and two dimensional. This is basically a question of rendering, how one handles value. Obviously, I'm not an expert, so I can't see exactly how to do it, but in some of the other art I have seen, the artist was able to make even super thin muscles look ultra realistic even in simple drawings by how they rendered, such that the value made the muscles appear to move dynamically across the surface like something seen in classical art. It adds an additional layer of realism. Though, like many things, I need practice and study to be of more direct assistance here. :) Sorry to not be able to give better advice at this time. Hopefully, that helps? Then again, the abs and chest could be intended to look that way. The sides look excellent.


More shading and shadows. The muscles don't have to be thick, but they should still look like they exist. Even on skinny kids they show curves. The abs and the chest in areas could show more dynamic depth and look more realistic by making them seem to actually curve. Right now, they look extremely flat. Flatter than even on the skinniest of guys. If you use light rendering shifts in value, I think that you can increase the visibility of depth and curve of form without changing the build. You don't have to make him "ripped" to be naturally curvey simply by the sinew of the foam. Muscles with this added depth on a thin body can look soft and tender (though still capable of great strength). The look gives the visual impression that if you reached out and touched, you could deform the surface like something real. You could "feel" the "realness" of the person. It's also for this reason important to take into consideration "gravity" and how objects, surfaces, skin, muscles, etc., change with gravity, how they get pulled down and bend due to the downward acceleration. It's been a while since I studied it, but folks who are exceptionally obese have the propensity to be good models for understanding how this works and how objects and surfaces shift with movement and this downward acceleration at ever increasing masses. How to shape curves, etc. The end results can be visually stunning when well implemented.


It's like the nipples look to have a more distinctive natural curve than do the pectorals or other areas that should have more "curviness" even if they don't look "built"/"ripped".


In my oppinion your best work so far :D Love it <3


thank you ! Interesting how this one turned out , people seem to love it :D