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Edit: My father needs me to do some work again tomorrow (9th) and these tasks need to be done asap so *shrug* -_-. Almost done rewards but I need 4 more hours to save all the images which ill probably do tomorrow night after im finished everything so yea.. its coming the 10th, sorry but also thank you for understanding!! really trying to work on finish rewards as I do them instead of finishing them 80% so I can post tteasers on twitter and then finishing the other 20% at the end of the month -__-

Been playing some Stardew and also my father needed me to do a bunch of work for him unexpectedly last week so I've gotten less done than expected. Ill try to get rewards all finalized by the regular 7th deadline but realistically will probably take till the 8th or 9th. Sorry for the delay again, it is a larger reward set this month but thanks for understanding ! 



Oki Gas uwu Dont worry !


pas de problème


I can see that you put a lot of effort into your work so it's no problem! You were even were nice enough to tell us!


It’s totally fine Gasai take your time I can wait :3. Your dad/family and life come first.