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Hey just wanted to say I don't think I'll get the rewards finished tonight for the usual drop on the 7th since I still have Chat Noir to finish and Honestly with my twitter down Im having less motivation to draw??? like wth??? Anyway, Im also streaming tomorrow SO.. probably will be sent out on the 8th or 9th! Thanks for your support and patience!

Oh also... kinda been working on a few things on the side and I think after I finish all my commissions I might move that commission energy into ... a second patreon for a project?? idk, still working things out but possibly exciting things ahead! 



Oof * excitement intensifies* 😁


Maybe with your Twitter down can help you focus more on your works, since you complained last month how you were on Twitter to much and that you were falling behind in your work :P


yea its getting there! I dont spend much time on the timeline, its more the DM's which have migrated to instagram and discord XD