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Sorry guys !!! Im such a crazy mess with everything lately and I NEEVVVVVEEER say Im not feeling well or wtvr but tonight I just felt uncomfortably sick cuz GOD FORBID I EAT GUMMIES???? like wtf, so yea I figured out that makes me throw up and stuff and I literally JUST have to save the Natsu images but its 40 images long and so that will be about an hour and a half of saving and I also decided last minute to do 2 gifs for Chat noir and I have to draw in some stuff for that so thatll be another hour and I havent slept in over a day atm so im going to go to sleep now for a bit and when I wake up do the gif and save the natsu set. Its coming though! and I know I always say thanks for your patience and .. you dont really have a choice but im grateful and I SWEAR I WILL PUT MY LIFE TOGETHER SOON ive just been really terrible lately but ill FIX ITTTTTT. .. thanks 

Edit: Also like I always debate sending you guys half rewards like I could send you the rewards all except the Natsu set and the gifs but I dont wanna do that because A) I hate sending out two rounds of messages and B) I know a LOT of you guys download it all at once and I so if I sent 80% of the rewards you like cant do anything with it anyway or youll have to re-download and so im just gonna do it all at once in 13 hours, thanks!!!?!



We understand. Take care of yourself first, that's what's important.


Sounds like you'd benefit from routine and stability in your lifestyle, my friend. Work on eating and sleep well. Life falls into place a bit better when your basic needs are being met. And no worries on the delay. We know you work hard for us. Just imagine how all that hard work would be paying off if it was being capitalized on (I hope I'm not coming across as condescending. If I am, I wholly apologize. I'm really just trying to encourage and say get well and treat yourself well. Much love!)


puts gun down ... for now


Put yourself first man. Hope you’re okay & feeling better! 💗

Henry Gibson

hey its okay! you come first always!


Please feel better ❤️


For sure. So basically why this month is crazy is because I am transitioning into a different routine. Typically my days are the same though, wake up 10am-12pm (which im trying to transition to 7) workout 1pm-3pm, housework from 3pm-4pm, drawing from 4pm - 2am. Im keeping this routine but Im implementing a couple new days of the week so Im trying to fit in a hobby day and a relaxing day, hobbies on friday and relaxing on mondays. I hope to fit in a second hobby day into the week as well. All this just means I have to cram more art into the actual art day and doing this by turning off all devices and social medias and JUST drawing for the days. So yea its all a work in progress and im hoping itll settle well soon


feeling better today! threw out the gummies lmaoo.. apparently Im adding gelatin to the list of "foods" to stay away from


Oh damn well whatever helps haha. Always the good stuff that can get you sick 🤣 Glad you’re feeling better!


I hope you've slept, please don't skip sleep for longer than 36 hours. Also when you settle on your routine changes if you dedicate whole days to just art, like you mentioned, please still fit in some breaks periodically to let your mind rest/recharge. And, this should be a given, don't skip meals lol. And, now this is just my opinion, explaining the delays is great and keeps us informed. However, the repeated apologizing may be compounding the stress and making things worse. You're a person and given what you're doing here you're one person doing all the work and can't delegate some of the burden to others, and I think we can all understand that. Take care, feel better, you got this.


Please SLEEP!! ❤️💕 And take the breaks you need. Im so sorry you got sick. That’s awful. 😔 Take care of you! And no more gummies!! 🤨 I so hope you are feeling better now and got some good sleep!! Please do not stress over us. We are and will always be here!! No worries. whenever things get done is fine. We want you healthy and rested. We can always wait. It is not worth your health AT ALL!! 😉😂💕 Take days away to do fun things, to be just you and to rest. I hope you are feeling better!