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Hello everyone. I'd like to ask your opinion on illegal leaks.

I'm frustrated that my work keeps getting leaked 😪.

And I know that my inability to stop the leak hurts you too.

Sorry about that.😥

I've reported illegal channels before.

But after a while, a little while, they come back to life.

Funnily enough, "I had a hard time recovering all of Strongbana's work," he said he had a hard time.🤯.

But other than that, there's no way to stop illegal sites that aren't protected by the DMCA. (That's a really serious problem.😭)

I can't stop works that have already been leaked.

But I want to protect my work that might be leaked in the future.

(Even if it's leaked in the future, I want to protect the original).

So I'm thinking of uploading censored versions of my work to Patreon. And I'll send you the original file as a monthly reward.

For illustrations, I won't put everything on Patreon.

Some variations will only be available for end-of-month rewards.

You can also check the original file only with rewards, which can be inconvenient.

Please let me know if you have a better way. I will apply it.👍

(+) I'm not going crazy with extreme stress over this. Don't worry too much about that.😭 ( It's just an eternal problem that never gets solved. )

 It's just something I'm still trying to figure out, and I'm sorry to all of you who are supporting me. 🥺

I'll have to think about censored versions a bit more.

I'm reading all of your comments very carefully. Thank you. 🥰



I’ll preface by saying I appreciate your content a lot and you should do what you want to do. However, I’ll be going against the grain a bit here. 1. I don’t think this will work. Leakers will simply wait until the end of the month to leak stuff. This really only punishes legitimate Patreons. 2. Maybe a better way is to add some kind of unique digital watermark unseeable to humans but perceivable via an AI, then using that give every single person a unique version of one of the pictures exclusive to the monthly rewards which should allow you to trace any leaks back to an individual patron. Then you could simply remove that person and report them to Patreon, who might ban that person’s credit card and actually make it much harder to leak content. This option might cost more on your end and take some time but if this is really that important to you this will actually result in some punishment for the leaker at the very least that doesn’t effect anybody else. Anyway I’m sorry this is happening to you and you should do what makes you happy, but I just don’t think this will stop any leakers and instead only see new Patreons leave or not subscribe in the first place when they see that they were “too late” to get the uncensored version of the thing they actually want to see.


Oh also you can issue DMCA strikes to google for illegal sites showing up in the search bar if that’s an option you are not aware of. So while striking on the illegal site won’t happen you can stop google from bringing up the illegal site when it is searched for.


I agree on both points, and yeah adding a unique digital watermark might be a good solution to find out who is leaking the content


Such a bummer but hard to manage for sure . I think this could slow down leaks a little. I support anything you decide to do


The idea of a watermark will solve a lot of things indeed ! But I also like the special awards that Bana offers that are only for people who have actively participated in its work! Bana will also be able to sign her watermark on each drawing for a better protection!


You can watermarked/id pages, in image metadata or otherwise, this would allow you to check *who* is leaking. But, a banned leaker will create a new account next month, and leak again. It's impossible to stop, and it's a **lot** of extra work, cause you need a unique watermark per patron. This will inconvenience everyone because you will no longer be able to post images directly to patreon, only via unique downloads, which will hurt your bottom line as people unfollow/engagement goes down. The people leaking will just leak the uncensored end-of-month reward at the end of the month anyway. The reality is that there are no options that are not going to hurt your income, and that can prevent leaks, for digital art, any measure you take will be easily bypassed.


Honestly it sucks, which Ive seen other artist going through the same, the only one I can think of that has worked for an artist was a rotating mega/drive/Dropbox or whatever service they preferred and there would be a key that would be posted. Which would be changed every month to help crack down on the leaks, because the passcode to access the content changed monthly, hell some followed have there code change weekly, it's an inconvenience but it helps with the leak for them. Edit: Not sure if your gonna see this or if others see this like the ones I read, in honesty before my first sub to you in Feb 18 I found you through a leak myself the leak I found you on was the was the old Sona(xD what made me sub to you even if it wasn't consistent) in a cow and the Ahri star guardian and Gnar some time in August of 17 didn't support originally since I was that broke college kid, but If it says anything these leaks have been here since like your oldest Patreon post, which sucks but it's honestly a uphill battle.


Hmm I'll be honest I probably discovered your work through one of those leaks channel ^^' I'm not sure if you were the one uploading those stories or not. Anyway, wouldn't it be better if you created an official channel where you put bits and pieces of your art ? But maybe like in a lower resolution or even censored versions and the high quality/uncensored are for patreons only ? I think it would draw more people to your page (maybe ?). If that's really not an option in your opinion, then I guess end of the month rewards would be fine, but I'm not sure that'd fix the problem


Unfortunately the stuff is gonna get leaked any how. No matter what. It's honestly really crappy how people do it


I think the monthly rewards will delay the leaks, but they’re going to happen no matter what when you’re popular and do good work. Im sure a lot of your patrons are people that found you on another site and wanted access to more of your content, rather than waiting for people to post it for them


I don't understand that because it will leak anyway. Month to month but anyone can just share files you share via monthly rewards. Im not really into paying for censored arts or waiting full month to get content. You like it or not, I just share my opinion. This is bad idea because it will not protect your work at all only delay what happen anyway. Also same as someone earlier typed - I found your work on such "illegal" sites and still decided to pay you cash because I want to help you in your artistic journey. But probably I would never find your work if it would not leak.. sounds bad but that's honest. I actually think that someone who pay here can still share (steal) your work and put in on porn sites. I have no idea how could you stop it, unless you just create separate art version with microscope watermark for every patreon to check who share your work. Once its in internet other ppl share it and the river flows.


I don't know one good artist who would be able to make their work not leak at all. And yes, if not a moral compass, good reason to pay for Patreon is that leaks have usually worse image resolution or people are just lazy and have cash.


i found your work through an illegal source unfortunately but i’m so glad i subscribed to your patreon. I feel like the people that leak will always try to learn your work no matter what, there isn’t a sure fire solution to this type of stuff sadly :( I hope that you find a way to stop leakers from stealing your work


Of course, you should take care of protecting your work and I think this idea that you suggested is good.


Would rather not want to wait a month to just see uncensored versions ;/


I'm not sure it's good to see an censored preview, I think it'll ruin the suprise of the art and the comics...


I don't like end of month rewards because I like to be able to search the whole app for a keyword or something to find the pic/video I'm looking for quickly. also as others have already said, and as bad as it sounds, I would not have found your patreon if not for a leak somewhere on Discord or Twitter. I saw something and immediately subbed.


Honestly, I don't really care about the leaks, and neither should you. It really is a loosing battle. Keep in mind, there were whole COMPANIES that went under, trying to fight piracy. The sad truth is, anything that is put out on the internet, will eventually be leaked, if people are interested in it. You can fight against it all you want but you will never be able to stop it. The only thing you achieve, is that you inconvenience your patrons and drive yourself crazy. My honest recommendation is: Make your peace with the fact that your work will be leaked. You have earned enough of a reputation that people want to pay you for your work anyway. And those that don't, wouldn't have payed you in the first place. That's the thing to keep in mind. Even though these leaks exist, they don't actually cost you that much business. How many people are you "loosing" because of the free access by leaks? And how many people are you gaining, because of exposure? There is one thing that you will always be able to offer that the pirated sites can't: The most recent updates. Leaks are ALWAYS lagging behind. So, people that pay get first access. That's worth a lot more to people than you might imagine. In summary: Don't drive yourself crazy over this. It's really not that much of an issue. :) EDIT: In regards to the watermark ideas: Any system to secure this type of content can be circumvented. There is no "fire and forget" solution. You will ALWAYS have to spent a bunch of time running around, reporting stuff, sending cease and desits and what-not. Is this really how you want to spent your time?


Honestly, I got to know your work through leaks and I wanted to support you for your content which I did. It’ll be leaked sooner or later.


I am angry that your work is being illegally leaked. I completely agree and support this decision! I am more than happy to wait till the monthly reward to see the original file because it would be worth it! I will keep my subscription, and I hope the leaks stop. Keep up the good work!


I guess it's free promotion, people that want to support you (and can do it) will still be a patreon


I completely agree and support this decision too , fair enough for the patrons who always supporting you and especially for yourself too.


I always enjoy watching good dramas I got your back.


I read your work since how to use gnar. bana don't give up there is always a solution for this problem , bad english here 🥺 love from Malaysia


Y que opinas acerca que la IA puede replicar tu estilo Xd, ósea hablando serios he visto gente sube imágenes hechas con IA y al verlas crei que eran tuyas, pero no! Se me hace increíble que te puedan copiar el estilo