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Good night y'all

After a week of no Obituary, a lot has happened! So let's get into it, shall we?

The Routine

Where to start? Ah!


Well a week ago I started to get some weird stuff with the PC, there would be critical failures when waking up the machine from its slumber. After a bit of digging around turned out the PSU was faulty. Asked a porter to bring me the necessary equipment and figured I should also install my new SSD so all data is properly stored. Easy swap in and out right? NO. WRONG. FOR SOME REASON WINDOWS WASNT GOING THROUGH.

I swear sometimes this PC has its own sense of humor. Turns out I had to reinstall the damned OS in the new SSD, I have an HDD and another SSD neither of em was giving a OS, why? Shrugs. I spent like 4 hours fixing the damn problem. but alas, I came on top of it. and now everything is running smoother! 

Nothing could go wrong now, SURELY!

Unless...somehow I caught a bug and made me lose like 4 kilos, surely that would be to inconvenient. SURELY!

Well somehow I managed to survive those 2 incidents and made a new animation for you guys! If you havent seen it, go watch it, its on the paysites. A romantic-ish day for Kris and Susie, I tried to do something more storytelley, and experimented with poses and alternate stuff. Hope y'all like it! It was fun to make.

The Project

Here comes the juicy stuff.

Initializing quest: COMPLETED!

   Polish: 98.99999%

Noelle Route: COMPLETED!

   Polish: 98.99999%

Toriel Route: 70%

Undyne Route: 75%

Damn, look at those numbers! They surely jumped a lot since last time. Yeah, Noelle's route is finished. Theres some stuff that has to be polished but thats besides it. Lets remember the plan shall we?

- Animation: DONE

- Poll: Pending

- Mini animation: Pending

We are halfway through the month and we have to do the poll and the mini. Some of you may have done the calculations in your head, "Hey, how did you make the animation, continue the game, fix the pc, and recover after getting sick? that's too much" 

Yes. Yes, it is.

I SUMMONED...someone to help me.

Thats all to it, someone with not so much code experience but willing to help and more importantly learn! While they are not a programmer they have experience in coding and doing digigently stuff which for me its more important, since knowing how to learn is quite a skill. 

What does this mean? Realistically nothing yet. It just means there's more hands on board, I was already getting some help on the project in other ways, but now there's someone else whom can take a look at the code and get directional input while I focus more on the animation and the polish.

So, cat's out of the bag! More hands on board! More content! more stuff!

The Extra

I said I would watch the bear and play RDR2, Surely nothing could had happened that cha-YOU GOT IT RIGHT.

I did nothing of those, turns out RDR2 requires a stupid online DRM for the deck, instead, I went with Death Stranding....it 's surprisingly very fun. Im liking it a lot. As for the bear, watched the first ep and got sick, wasnt in the mood for yelling and food with everything going on, but instead watched Hazbin Hotel. Its...Fine. Not great. Not Terrible.

P.D. Next obituary will also be in 2 weeks since im focusing in animations and poll stuff! it just means more content will come soon!


Bruno Vanegas

suerte y que pases más problemas se te quiere


At least every problem was solved with no further issues, let's hope things go up from here on

J 🍑

dead project? where is the game?

Dead Pixel

No, the project is still alive. I just needed to finish the winner of the poll! I will share news and updates with the upload of the animation