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Ah. It's been some time since we have gotten a proper talk!

Welcome, welcome. I see a lot of new faces and names. Good. Good. I like that, Oh? You must be somewhat confused about what is this, well, yeah, who wouldn't?

Alright, I'm gonna introduce the concept again, you see, every now and then I try to make these "direct-like" blog posts about the current state of affairs about my content, I have previously talked about how I work, the black magic that goes into it and of course, the lots and lots of coffee I must consume for it.

You see, since I have previously stated, I find myself first as a creator and second as an artist, so this kind of talk helps me explain my process, necessities, and other interesting bits that could be picking my mind regarding the process I wanna bring on the table so to speak.

Now, first of all, let's do this properly, shall we?

This is the first State of Decay of the year and as such I wanna thank you all for all the support, it has been quite a journey from just doing what I wanted to see more of to becoming an actual content creator that can <comfortably> support his lifestyle by making content/art. So again, thank you, without your help, it wouldn't be possible.

I hope the holidays were kind to you and wish you the best in this new year!

And now with this outta the way...

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Let us talk business.

In this case, my business. As you all know or should know, I'm new to this whole [content creator] deal but I like to believe I'm doing something good, I try to stay on schedule and I try to be consistent, I find that key on any proper crafting. Sure, sure, sometimes I <kinda> rush some stuff but I try for the work to have a healthy balance of "The Lewds" and "The Everything else" and this last couple of months with the coming back and forth from the states to the undisclosed location have made me feel just a bit pressured on delivering the right amount of content and this, alongside some conversations we have had on the general chat had lead me to believe the following:

It's time for a change.

the formula which I have used to make and deliver content has started to show signs of weariness, not much mind you, I can safely assume we could continue with how things are for another year, but! Before we end with stale content I would prefer to experiment and change stuff because I like to be flexible on what can be achieved, I have had some ideas now that I haven't been able to apply because the status quo has started to show a finger in the graveyard. 

What does this mean?

Easy. I'm gonna do changes. 

What does that really mean?

The VOTD is gonna change


Because while I love the interaction with the VOTD and how it brings new ideas every month, the cycle of <what> can be done doesn't really change much, because the realm of possibilities of what <I> can do doesn't get shown.


The current ideas that get brought into the VOTD are basically what you all know I can do, what I need to do now is experiment more so I can expand my abilities, which the current system makes hard cause we usually like more of the same, and only I can really know how much I can push for new stuff while I'm trying new stuff.

Ok, so what does that REALLY REALLY mean?

VOTDs (Paywall votes) will become bimonthly for now!

So twice a month?

No. Once every two months.

Oh ok.

That's not a question, but yep! 

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VOTDs will now be every two months, this doesn't change the previous rules like cooldowns, phases of votes, or the milestone polls, this just means I wanna deliver the best possible work I can for when we get a VOTD and I can still experiment and bring other side content along the way like the bounty system, new ips and other surprises I have for you. Along with this change, I'm gonna make official the following statement.

Each tier now has a voting power that will be updated on the paywall system: 

· Early Death +1 vote · Accidental Death + 3 votes · VOTD + 5 votes ·

Now, the VOTD tier may have some questions about what this means for their role for the month they don't get to make a suggestion, I do plan to give a "compensation" of sorts, and I will talk to y'all later on the respective channel.

Now, with these changes outta the way, I can finally talk about one of the secret projects that are not as secret as you would think: 

So, some of you have noticed that I started to upload videos instead of gifs to the #Announcement-Channel, something a lot of people wanted since I started doing content, how is this possible? I funded an extension/sideload program that allows me to export video directly from my Pixel Program that's neat and all BUT, that's not the cool part.  The cool part is that it allows me to also INJECT SOUND into the pixel program, while this funded cool project isn't a full-fledged program/editor it basically lets me experiment with sounds in the animations/scenes/videos without adding up more programs to the pipeline!

Ain't that nuts? Yes. It is! I actually have been trying to use it but since previously stated the time constraint has been a constant which hasn't let me experiment much with it, and now that's gonna change! 

At the end of the day I'm doing all this so I can deliver better and more interesting content, I seriously hope you see it just like me.

Well, that's it for today! See you all at the Graveyard and look forward to the next work!