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Alright, guys, that was a fun poll, seems a lot of you got the kicks out of it, and I hope you also had some fun with it even if the idea you wanted didnt make it. Its hard to satisfy everyone but i'll try my best.

As for who won the milestone poll...

The winner of the Point Up award: Tasque Pouncing.

The winner of the Thinky award: Swatchling Revolt.

Who said the votes added up?

Now, the real question:
Which one will be done first? I'm gonna gather the ideas from those two who gave the scenarios and will see which one i can work first. Please look forward to 'em!

Oh, for the runner ups, im gonna see what i can use em for, maybe an easter egg for an scenario, maybe they make the next monthly poll, will see!

Thanks for participating!


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