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The winner of the DimMini #17 poll was...Lucoa! As such, she will now get a DimMini animation. 

After some consideration, I will make and post Lucoa's animation before I finish Fawn's Deluxe, as I don't think I'll be able to finish the Deluxe before the year ends, let alone before Xmas. Once I've posted Lucoa's animation, I will return to work on Fawn, and will do my best to finish it ASAP.

Maybe I'll post an animation WIP for Fawn before the year ends? Hopefully it will tide you over until when the animation is completed.

Anyway, time to crack on with work. TTFN!

- Dim



Chris Wreker

Not going to lie I was hoping for more of an outlier winner like Noir or Misato or even Matsu even though one of them winning was very slim. Although while Lucoa was a character done before with her own animation, but I suppose she is a fan favorite, and she is in need for a more of an updated animation.