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Hey folks! After a frantic weekend I'm mostly moved. Phew! Alas, while my Internet is technically activated, I need an engineer to install a socket I can actually connect through. Which will happen on thursday. All I have until then is my phone (I hate typing on phones lol)

My main software is online only, so it's a bit of an oof. But I do have a (buggier) offline version, so I can make a start on the DimMini, and that should be finished by the time Internet is up (I hope). The DimMini will likely feature Bess, but we'll see if I change my mind when I sit down to work XD

Once I'm back on the grid, I'll do a final reminder for the next animated pin-up poll, and also post any other polls I was meant to post but can't do ATM.

Um, I think that's about it. Time to go eat some pizza and rest my weary bones. Next few weeks will be a bit rough but if it will cause any severe delays, I'll let you know. Thanks for your support, as always!

- Dim



I have internet. Hooray! I hope to have the Bess DimMini finished by tonight, thanks for your patience!