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For the Dim OC Animated pin-up poll, the winner was Fawn! I will post a story poll in the next few days, and you can decide what will happen to her. As mentioned previously, all ideas for this story poll will be provided by myself. And yes, one of the options will be the next episode of "Is This Yours?" if you wish to see that story continued. As is the usual, the runner-up (Janet) will receive a

For the DimMini #14 "Spoopy" poll, the winner was "Weremommy"! As such, one of my OCs will be inflicted with the "curse" of turning into a pregnant milf (not furry) whenever they see the moon. I'm thinking that Luna, whose name basically means the moon, will be perfect for this concept. I will begin work on this tomorrow. 

For those who are confused as to my current schedule, here's what I'm currently planning to work on:

DimMini #14 "Weremommy" featuring Luna
Halloween animation (featuring a popular character who has yet to win my polls)
Jiggles Bigbottom's Patreon Deluxe
Janet Runner-up Animation
Fawn's Animated Pin-up

As you can see, Jiggles will get a Deluxe, but I will be putting it off for a little bit, so I can indulge in some spooky stuff. However, if you would strongly prefer I not bother with a halloween animation and focus on Jiggles' Deluxe, let me know in the comments or via DM.

Back to work for me. TTFN!

- Dim



Chris Wreker

Frankly since Halloween is just around the corner, The Jiggles Deluxe can wait. I am bit more interested seeing Luna as a werewolf. Maybe make her werewolf design something similar to Loona from Helluva Boss.


Weremommy isn't werewolf related, it's her turning into a pregnant milf during a full moon. I don't think my patrons are much interested in furry stuff, so I'd be surprised if they were hoping for full lycanthropy XD

Mars Shadow

Why isn't Fawn getting a Story Suggestion post again?


The reason is a mixture of wanting to curate the story suggestions to ensure variety (certain suggested ideas ALWAYS win, like "she takes loads of pills and gets huge"), and wanting to offer some lore-centric stories (with tums, of course) for those who want to know more about Fawn. Whether or not I do this regularly (for the OC story polls) or this is a one-off, we shall see. I might open an "idea suggestion" post when a story idea wins, so those on the Suggestive Pixel tiers and up can still ask for certain content. No guarantees I include that content, but I'll bear it in mind.