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Link to file >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/ddsce 

Password >>> cantbelievenoonehasdonethisbefore

Link to file with password embedded >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/ddsce?password=cantbelievenoonehasdonethisbefore 

YouTube >>> https://youtu.be/fIiXsiyxIPo 

MEGA Large >>> https://mega.nz/file/cRhCWIgR#WNxilWXQ-7KMZuJHzmhau23Djy-4uQyJeSMW4O-ULxo 

MEGA Smol >>> https://mega.nz/file/9MhUkYYa#osgZXuZcCT_lxSVyA7S_RyDgmdKyd8LBLHAz1Cwoo2U 

You would think a character with breast transfer abilities would be an easy pregnancy transfer win for my polls. I guess the booba is too distracting to consider other possibilities...

 Hey folks, sorry this wasn't posted yesterday, but you know me and date estimations, hahaha...Anyway, Chifusa was fun to work with, and I've had the "pregnancy flow" idea for a while. Nice to finally get to use it, even in this shorter format.

Time for a little bit of rest, then onto Eira's single Deluxe. Busy busy busy...


- Dim




As always, you knocked it out of the park. I hope one day, you get to use the "pregnant flow" idea on a full animation. I can only imagine the ideas you'd have cooked up for it lol

Mars Shadow

I knew you would absolutely kill on this. And you're right, this anime just lends itself to this kind of thing. Chifusa's main power is literally absorbing boobs! Why stop there, get creative people!


Look. If I have to start my own pregnant comic version and call it Chifusa Pregguu to get more hype for the idea, then so be it!!!

A LoLo

Hey dim is the Annie vs Annie saga already done or can we get another part ?


There will be no more parts for now, and Annie Valentine is not allowed in the animated pin-up polls for a while as she's won twice.