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Hey folks! Hope all is well? It...it isn't? Oh. Um. I hope that works out for you soon *nervous laughter*

A-anyway, let's discuss what I'm up to:

* Currently working away on Bess' 2nd Deluxe, which is nearing the end of production. I have one and a half scenes left to complete, so all going well, I can post it in the next 3-4 days? I'll let you know if it might take longer than that!

* The next DimMini poll is underway, so make sure to vote if you haven't already! It may already look like the winner is guaranteed, but a whole heck of a lot of patrons never vote. If you wanted to alter the outcome, you could probably do so quite easily...

* My current schedule has not changed from what I've mentioned before. I'll repost it here, in case you missed it: 

Bess Phantom Pregnancy Patreon Deluxe Part 2 (Almost finished)
DimMini #8 Poll (currently open)
Winner of DimMini #8 Poll (Will work on it once Bess is finished)
Shizuka Marikawa ( Highschool of the Dead ) Runner-up Animation
Annie Valentine Annie vs Annie: Tit for Teat Animated Pin-up

That's about it for updates. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or send a DM. Otherwise, see you soon for some Bess hijinks!

- Dim


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