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MEGA Smol >>>

The producer for Eira's show is either facing a sexual harassment lawsuit or some kind of award...maybe both...

Thanks for your patience, folks! As promised, here's a quickie "bunny suit" Eira for "Easter". Not very festive, these Easter animations of mine, huh. XD Also, YouTube age-restricted the video in record time. Welp! But they haven't age-restricted the Nioma one, for some reason. I wonder which one of them is worse?

With that done, it's time to get to work on Bess, FINALLY. If I really haul arse, I think I can get the 1st of her animations done before the month is out. 11 days left in April...let's do it! >:)



(No title)


Mars Shadow

Eirafps? Dim are you trying to say you're developing a first-person shooter starring Eira?

Chris Wreker

Tis was a nice DimMini Eira looks good in that bunny suit kinda wish you showed the whole butt instead of half-way but it is what is, this was cool anyway.


Her butt does actually exist off-screen, but it's cut-off from view XD I'll do a recording of it and upload it later, as a bonus

Mars Shadow

Honestly, this DimMini actually suffers from the rectangular view.